Feral Cats Rodent Control


Free Ranging
15 Years
Jun 7, 2009
Brightwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
If ever there was test, my sweet Feral kitty that lived adjacent to my chicken coop died 2 weeks ago. She was old, I think it was natural and she lived her best life. So what do I see this morning.... Whether it was a mice or rat I'm not sure, but it for sure was feasting on some spilled feed from yesterday. I haven't worried about Rodents for years thanks to Rosie the kitty. I always pull feed at night and store outside of my coop in galvanized cans. Sighhhh, I'm not sure how long it will take to get another Feral cat adoption so in the mean time, has anyone had success with EcoClear RatX bait all natural ? I've used JustOneBite in the distant past and that stuff doesn't mess around. But I'm really curious about the claim that RatX only works on Rats and Mice, won't harm other animals. Is this true?

I don't see why you would have to have a feral cat. I have had housecoats, spoiled and litter box trained, turn out to be great hunters.

You could also get a rat terrier or other terrier for rodent control.
I don't see why you would have to have a feral cat. I have had housecoats, spoiled and litter box trained, turn out to be great hunters.

You could also get a rat terrier or other terrier for rodent control.
You have a good point that all cats enjoy hunting! I adopt the ferals from the Feral cat coalition because they are unwanted, need an outdoor only home and so it's a win/win. I have 1 still but I usually have 2 or 3. We had a rodent problem when we bought the property years ago, it was abandoned for 2 years. Rats ate my truck wires twice and a hot tub!! I used justonebite to put a big dent in the problem and then got the cats for maintenance and rodent's have not been a problem for 10years. I have a Ragdoll cat that is indoor only. He just does not have street smarts like the feral cats. We have Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Bears, Cougard, Coyotes, Racoons.... I do let him roam around inside out fenced area with my dog but it's just really nice that the ferals are out by the coop 24/7. Interesting idea on a terrier! I have Leonbergers that definitely help keep predators away but they can't compare to terriers for rodent control. I'll look into that! Thanks.
I use the mouse version of this and I wouldn't just leave it were my chickens can eat it directly but it does work and is supposed to be safe for use around all livestock. If a cat (or chicken) eats a mouse or rat that died from eating this it shouldn't hurt them
Thank you! I put some out last night behind my coop where only a rat could get it. Dogs and chickens are fenced off and I put it under a rail road tie so that even birds can't get it.
If ever there was test, my sweet Feral kitty that lived adjacent to my chicken coop died 2 weeks ago. She was old, I think it was natural and she lived her best life. So what do I see this morning.... Whether it was a mice or rat I'm not sure, but it for sure was feasting on some spilled feed from yesterday. I haven't worried about Rodents for years thanks to Rosie the kitty. I always pull feed at night and store outside of my coop in galvanized cans. Sighhhh, I'm not sure how long it will take to get another Feral cat adoption so in the mean time, has anyone had success with EcoClear RatX bait all natural ? I've used JustOneBite in the distant past and that stuff doesn't mess around. But I'm really curious about the claim that RatX only works on Rats and Mice, won't harm other animals. Is this true?

Put chili flakes on any feed you spill chickens cant taste capsasin(spicy stuff) and its actually good for your chickens also spray the pests with the hose

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