FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Hello all, I've had a batch of fermented feed rolling for about a month. When I came out the other other day, the top looked like this and I stopped using it.

Any ideas on what went wrong? Is this fixable or should I toss the batch like I suspect? And how can I prevent this from happening again?
looks like bacterial cultures from a lab! Anyone have any insight what organism this is?
Hello all, I've had a batch of fermented feed rolling for about a month. When I came out the other other day, the top looked like this and I stopped using it.

Any ideas on what went wrong? Is this fixable or should I toss the batch like I suspect? And how can I prevent this from happening again?

PDirt, I think, gave us a whole tutorial on this and it looks like yeast growth...which is a good thing! You are just seeing it more because your mix is soupy and it's more evident on top of the water but it's pretty much the same thing we see on our drier mixes...it's just part of your scoby. If you never stirred it that would all collect into a thicker piece of material that would look like a rubber disc, eventually.

You don't want to prevent this....this is the good stuff!
Hello all, I've had a batch of fermented feed rolling for about a month. When I came out the other other day, the top looked like this and I stopped using it.

Any ideas on what went wrong? Is this fixable or should I toss the batch like I suspect? And how can I prevent this from happening again?

I'm not an expert on the looks of the good cultures vs the bad ones, but if it is warmer there the ferment cultures will grow faster than when it is cooler. If you don't like seeing them you have to stir more often. The good news us you get a more effective ferment.

x 2 on mixing it dryer ... that saves the step of straining it.
I was surprised, too, at how fast all my flock took to the FF!
I bought a cute little bantam roo several weeks ago and he practically gorges
on it. This is his first day on the ground with my pullets...such a big guy!
This photo doesn't do his coloring justice...he is much brighter "in person" :)
Thanks to everyone for the replies! Glad I didn't toss the FF like I was planning to. It's definitely been hot here lately, and it sit's on our back porch so makes sense that it's been more active lately. I've added more feed to the batch, I'll try to stir more too. Was always concerned about the water level being too law and allowing the bad bacteria to get in. Again thanks for everyone's help! :)
I needed to make a run to the feed store and get some feed. Finally made up a batch last night. Beautiful. I had been making do with fermented rice bran and scratch with boss but they did NOT like it. Back to normal again.
What if one were to get a bag of mold Contaminated feed and not be aware of it? Would fermenting it render it safe?

I'm thinking not. Botulism. The feed will have a smell. I've gotten moldy feed on 2 occasions from TSC. Apparently they had a roof leak where they stored it. Luckily, the first time, I opened a bag when I got home and took it right back. Had I held the stuff for a week they probably wouldn't have given my money back. The second time it happened I was pretty upset because it's well over an hour round trip. When I made a fuss, they discounted the feed to make up for the gas on that trip.

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