Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: MIne too !!! I'm NOT telling them the FF can do this just because they would set up a bomb on purpose!! Boys!!

The Food Thing! Yes!
I like that better than my title, The Food Bringer. I wish more people would realize that's most likely how they are viewed by their livestock and that their chickens are not really returning their love and affection..... farmers call that Bucket Love. Very few livestock have a true loyalty to the farmer that doesn't revolve around that feed bucket. Usually dogs, horses, sheep and the rare cow or so will have it without feed being a factor, but for the most part it's true Bucket Love.
I have a few horses that love attention, and it is not food driven as I dont feed treats. Even if I am putting on fly spray one mare will push between me and the other horse just to get more attention.

Her mother is my sweetest mare-- herd boss but totally realiable. She is a gem. But hates the birds stealing her grain. At least she doesn't bite the chickens, just make the face. A dog would be toast. No dogs allowed in her space. No exceptions. My other old man is an arab cross and very loyal to me and only me.
Yep...horses, dogs, sheep and even a few cows here and there are more loyal to the person than to the feed bucket. My sheep wouldn't accept feed from anyone but me and wouldn't move for anyone but me, no matter how much feed was used to tempt them. Sheep are loyal to the shepherd. For some reason, cows act that way towards me too, when normally a cow is loyal to a feed bucket. I've had two milk cows that just wanted to be with me, tried to lay down in my lap when I was sitting out in the field, got jealous of the dogs being next to me, etc. I think milk cows are just more tuned in than beef cattle because they have to be handled by us humans more.
I can see it now... a big yogurt container about 3/4 full of ff. Duct tape the lid on and wait. hehehe Or... ff in a balloon...hmmm? That way there shouldn't be any injuries. lol
careful, remember there's an NSA list out there of keywords, and I am thinkin' explosion, etc. are probably on it. Some earnest desk jockey is at this very moment researching the deleterious effects of being caught in FF shrapnel... LOL
And will soon outlaw the making of FF...
I'll have to incorporate the idea of an FF feed bomb over on the Dave Leghorn story thread...President O'Llama has been apprised of the situation in Hick County and has sent CHANGE, as promised. It would be only natural that some naked neck chick over there produce a FF bomb in response to Barawk O'Llama's speech.

Ya think it would change the thread rating from PG-13 to an R rating if someone started dropping FF bombs in the thread?
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careful, remember there's an NSA list out there of keywords, and I am thinkin' explosion, etc. are probably on it. Some earnest desk jockey is at this very moment researching the deleterious effects of being caught in FF shrapnel... LOL

I bet the whole agency is GOOGLING "ff" !!! We'll know if swat teams come skreeching up in our driveways! hahahaha
And will soon outlaw the making of FF...  :rolleyes:   I'll have to incorporate the idea of an FF feed bomb over on the Dave Leghorn story thread...President O'Llama has been apprised of the situation in Hick County and has sent CHANGE, as promised.  It would be only natural that some naked neck chick over there produce a FF bomb in response to Barawk O'Llama's speech.  :gig  

Ya think it would change the thread rating from PG-13 to an R rating if someone started dropping FF bombs in the thread? 

I say let it splat!!! hehe

...I'm just having too much fun today. LOL
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Be careful just closing the lid. I did that ONCE. It will STIIIINK something awful in 12-24 hours. Being cold may slow down the stinking process because the feed ferments slower, but if your lows are in the 20's, it won't take very long.

Perhaps try keeping the lid cracked, or keep the cooler covered with just a towel to try to keep some heat in.


Unless it makes the chickens refuse to eat the feed, I'm not too worried about it stinking some. I'm thinking I'll keep the lid closed during the winter and crack it when the temps warm up. We'll see how that goes... If it blows, well... That might be fun to watch. And I KNOW the girls will enjoy helping me clean up the mess.

We set it up in the yard this morning. I'll update folks here if you're interested in seeing how it goes. I've got it shut right now. The latch isn't very strong, however so I think if it blows it won't be a big deal.

Here's a detail shot of the latch. It only takes two fingers for me to pull the lid open. Any pressure build up I'm thinking will just pop the lid with no real mess?
I also think the tray will make a fine scoop.

And here's what I did with the old feeder.
careful, remember there's an NSA list out there of keywords, and I am thinkin' explosion, etc. are probably on it. Some earnest desk jockey is at this very moment researching the deleterious effects of being caught in FF shrapnel... LOL
Bunker Bunker, fertilizer. Flight and package. What's the frequency Kenneth?
I'm thinking that by the time it builds enough pressure to pop your lid it may be a bit more pressure than just popping the lid..you may see some volcanic eruption going on. You'll have to post the pics for our viewing pleasure..at least those of us desiring to see an FF bomb explode...if it should happen to erupt.

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