Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Another thought. As the egg sits, the white degrades. There really aren't any storebought eggs that are actually fresh. There's prob at least a week or two on them.
Absolutely, Aleta. I think because it has broken down due to age, it is more apt to tear when it is boiled, peeled, and then cut to make deviled eggs. I am also inclined to think that the eggs from the grocery are more fragile to begin with because of the diet of the hens.....but I have no proof of that....
Another thought. As the egg sits, the white degrades. There really aren't any storebought eggs that are actually fresh. There's prob at least a week or two on them.

Personally, I find the older eggs work far better for hard boiling and the shells come off easier. I was keeping an older batch in the fridge as I rotated through specifically for that reason.

Now, for whipping up egg whites, fresh is definitely better. Older eggs are impossible to get a stiff peak from.
Will do...it's all very makeshift, using whatever I already have on hand.  I like this one better than the last one as it gives way  more shelter from the elements and cannot be trampled into mud by all the walking.  This area is under the porch roof of our log outbuilding, where there is thick, black plastic down on the ground beneath a foot thick layer of leaves and some cedar shavings beneath the leaves.  It has some trellis around it on two sides, forming a three sided shelter against the wall of the building.  I placed some items outside the trellis to block the wind and it does this very well.  It's very protected there from wind, rain or snow. 

A hundred times better than where these poor guys were living....there simply aren't any words to describe where they were kept and only pictures would suffice.  It was a sadness to see it, though the folks were very nice and doing the best they could to provide for their family and all the animals, they just didn't seem to know what chickens need.  One pen of 6 roosters were in with about 12 other LF birds in a rabbit hutch that was about 3x3x5. The poop was so thick in that pen and the birds so piled in that they were standing on mounds of poop and could barely move about.  The other "coop" was small and filled with office furniture and an upholstered settee and other odds and ends of junk, deep chicken poop all over it all, no ventilation except the crack around the door. 

I ran out of the pyrethrin using it on the last bunch, so broke down and bought some permethrin from Lowe's..they didn't have any pyrethrin.  It's the synthetic version of pyrethrin and not so safe to use but I was desperate and figure the effects of it may be out of the birds in a couple of weeks. 

I don't know how one could work it up under all their feathers doing it in a trash bag, though I sure would like to find a way to do it that would be thorough but still wouldn't involve me looking like a baker afterwards.  It doesn't really matter about me eating the birds with residue of permethrin in the meat now because I breathed in, absorbed and swallowed about half a bag my own self.  :th I wanted to make sure every crevice of these birds were covered as they were just the worst case of lice and mites I'd ever seen...way worse then mine when they came back from the bad place and way worse than the last batch of roosters.  I felt so sorry for these birds when I saw that!  Made my butt itch just looking at it!  :barnie   Needless to say, several hands full of dust was worked up and into the feathers and all over the bodies of each bird until it looked like a frosted chicken.  Can't stand those bugs. 

So you use straight pyrethrin? I bet if you put the bird in the bag then stuck one arm down in the bag with it you could get the job done real well. ...Or stick them in and shake them like "Shake-n-Bake" chicken! LOL

Sounds like you came to the rescue for those poor birds. Some good folks get in a bad spot sometimes, but still it is bad.

We have been out moving leaves today, A BUNCH of leaves. lol The roo pen is about, I don't know 8X16 or 10X20 and we packed ever bit of 2 1/2 feet of leaves in there! I think I might have lost a couple roos! hahaha Also put about a foot more in with the older flock and want to put more in there. I've still got so many leaves, probably at least 10X what was moved today. And there are still leaves on the trees! I saw about 15 big bags of what I think is leaves sitting at a place in town. If they're not gone before I get back up there I'm going to see about getting those. Already bagged they will be good for stacking, and they are just waiting on the city to do away with them.
So you use straight pyrethrin? I bet if you put the bird in the bag then stuck one arm down in the bag with it you could get the job done real well. ...Or stick them in and shake them like "Shake-n-Bake" chicken! LOL

Sounds like you came to the rescue for those poor birds. Some good folks get in a bad spot sometimes, but still it is bad.

We have been out moving leaves today, A BUNCH of leaves. lol The roo pen is about, I don't know 8X16 or 10X20 and we packed ever bit of 2 1/2 feet of leaves in there! I think I might have lost a couple roos! hahaha Also put about a foot more in with the older flock and want to put more in there. I've still got so many leaves, probably at least 10X what was moved today. And there are still leaves on the trees! I saw about 15 big bags of what I think is leaves sitting at a place in town. If they're not gone before I get back up there I'm going to see about getting those. Already bagged they will be good for stacking, and they are just waiting on the city to do away with them.

What a great score that would be! Pre-raked leaves! Can't ever get enough, IMO, as they compost so quickly that they are up and gone before you know it.

It's pretty hard to hold on to a chicken and dust them, let alone put them in a bag, hold onto them and THEN dust them. I'd need a few more hands!
It's sort of like bathing a new baby and getting everything clean without letting it sink into the bathwater.
As it is, I used a towel as my extra hands for the dosing, oiling down the feet and clipping the wing.
What a great score that would be!  Pre-raked leaves!  Can't ever get enough, IMO, as they compost so quickly that they are up and gone before you know it. 

It's pretty hard to hold on to a chicken and dust them, let alone put them in a bag, hold onto them and THEN dust them.  I'd need a few more hands!  :gig It's sort of like bathing a new baby and getting everything clean without letting it sink into the bathwater.  :lol:   As it is, I used a towel as my extra hands for the dosing, oiling down the feet and clipping the wing. 

I hope those leaves aren't gone before I can get back to that place in the morning. But I bet if I called the city they would GLADLY hook me up with all the bags I could stand. Shoot, they might deliver! Now that would be a score! LOL

Well... I've never tried dusting a shicken in a bag, except Shake-n-Bake, but "what if" you gathered the bag up around their neck and held them by that and used the other hand in the bag to dust with. Maybe you could get it done before you choke them to death...? ...or before the shicken police saw it. hahaha
I hope those leaves aren't gone before I can get back to that place in the morning. But I bet if I called the city they would GLADLY hook me up with all the bags I could stand. Shoot, they might deliver! Now that would be a score! LOL

Well... I've never tried dusting a shicken in a bag, except Shake-n-Bake, but "what if" you gathered the bag up around their neck and held them by that and used the other hand in the bag to dust with. Maybe you could get it done before you choke them to death...? ...or before the shicken police saw it. hahaha

What will they be doing with their feet and wings as I hold the neck? Beatin' the tar out of that bag, is what!
Wouldn't be nothing but ribbons of bag after the first chicken got done tearing through it. Can't tie the legs because the one place you really need to work that powder is up that abdomen and at the base of the legs, around the vent, etc. Need to move the legs apart at one point to get it in there really good.

I wish I could shake and bake 'em, for sure! Sure would be easier.
What will they be doing with their feet and wings as I hold the neck?  Beatin' the tar out of that bag, is what!  :D   Wouldn't be nothing but ribbons of bag after the first chicken got done tearing through it.  Can't tie the legs because the one place you really need to work that powder is up that abdomen and at the base of the legs, around the vent, etc.  Need to move the legs apart at one point to get it in there really good. 

I wish I could shake and bake 'em, for sure!  Sure would be easier. 

Those wings are going to be flopping about 100mph helping you dust and the legs... tie them until you get to that part. LOL Somebody needs to invent some chicken booties to use so we don't get shreaded under these circumstances. Those dang claws hurt even when they don't break the skin! A dang pullet like to gave me a concussion a few weeks ago. LOL I halfway had ahold of her and had her pinned againt the fence with my head. She beat me up good with those wings. By golly she didn't get away! lol
Shake-n-Bake! LOL Dusting with a bag...
I think that chicken had had a good dose of valium
.....or hypnotized
.......the canvas type bag with the handle is a great idea though, and it would stand up to claws....and I really think the bird would feel pretty secure.
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