Fermenting Scratch and Peck feed - what's good for ducks?


5 Years
Jun 6, 2019
I am revisiting my duck's diet due to a recent problem with my pekin, Penny. I took her to the vet this week for bleeding around her shoulder area. She has raw looking skin above both wings and extending to the low neck. The vet hadn't seen it in ducks, but thought maybe she had necrotic dermatitist. She is on an antibiotic now, and is about the same after 5 days. I'm basically trying to do my own research online to determine how to help her, and prevent this in the future, but finding it confusing. Before I got the ducks I went to a presentation at my local grange that was mostly about chicks, but a little about ducklings. The person giving the presentation highly recommended fermented whole grains, and the concept sounded good to me - natural, whole grains, organic. So I've been feeding them Scratch and Peck whole grains, and fermenting them - since day one. They're five months old now. I was just reading a study about necrotic enteritis (which I now know is totally different than necrotic dermatitist, but I accidentally got on that thread) and it was saying that whole wheat, barley and rye are not good for ducks, also fish meal is bad, and it even went on to criticize fermented feed. Some of the first ingredients in my ducks' food are wheat and barley, and there's fish meal, so of course I'm alarmed, and worried that I have brought on my duck's trouble by the food I've been feeding her, even though I've been trying so hard to give them the very best! Is it best just to give them processed pellets? Have I been doing them a disservice by fermenting the food? I know this is a long question, but I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with this. Thanks so much!
Dave holderread is one of the most accomplished waterfowl breeders in North America. Indeed he has been raising ducks for almost 60 years! In his book "Stories Guide to Raising Ducks" he lists both wheat and fish meal as safe and nutritious foods for ducks. Judging by that alone I find any source that says otherwise dubious at best. Hope your feathered friend gets well soon!!
@Texas Kiki also has charts on feeds. I totally agree with @Ratchnick can’t go wrong with Dave H information. Your feeding the best of the best. Fermented is also very nutritious so keep that up too. I fermented for probably 7-8 years just gave it up because my Runners are such slobs they wasted so much feed. I am once again feeding dry pellets and grains.

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