Fertilized eggs but no rooster??


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2024
We have 8 pullets/hens in our backyard, 5-8 months old. Everyone except a black austrolorp is laying, but I cracked eggs this morning and two (the ones on the bottom) look fertilized. Am I crazy? First-time chicken owner here so still learning the ropes! Any idea what is happening?
Ring around the dot doesn't always mean fertile, either. Some of our only laying pullet's eggs have had the bullseye— we don't have a rooster.

Parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction) is a thing, but it's very rare, and PG chicks generally don't survive more than a week or so.
We have 8 pullets/hens in our backyard, 5-8 months old. Everyone except a black austrolorp is laying, but I cracked eggs this morning and two (the ones on the bottom) look fertilized. Am I crazy? First-time chicken owner here so still learning the ropes! Any idea what is happening?View attachment 4036463
They are Fertile eggs, but not Fertilized.

Next eggs I get I'll get pictures to show the differences. But hopefully before we move.
What is the difference?

Don't both words mean a sperm cell from a rooster joined with an egg cell from the hen before the egg shell got put on and the egg was laid?
From google: "A "fertile" chicken egg means it has the potential to develop into a chick because it has been fertilized by a rooster, while a "fertilized" chicken egg specifically refers to an egg where the sperm from a rooster has successfully fused with the egg cell, initiating the development of an embryo inside the egg; essentially, a fertilized egg is a fertile egg where the fertilization process has already occurred."

So fertilized is just fertile but taken to the next step of development.

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