FIghting Americano and Red Sex link Hens


Jul 22, 2015
About a week ago i got 4 week old chicks and got my Americano,Chickadee , to fall in love with them and treat them like her own and for a while she would barely eat or drink but now it got a lot better but luigi , my Sex Link that has been her best friend and sister for as long as i bought them from the age of a week old , would always hit the chicks and finally Chickadee attacked Luigi and Luigi attacked Chickadee after i treated the bloody wounds which were not that serious I freed them and ever since then Luigi and Chickadee hate each other and attack each other how do i make them be friends again?
Your broody hen is likely just being protective of her babies. As the babies grow older and are "weaned" off mother hen, the peace may be restored again between these two sisters.

A mothers instinct is very strong.

Best of luck to you, and Welcome to the BYC community.
Welcome to BYC!

@sunny & the 5 egg layers is probably right about Chickadee being a protective mama hen. Give it some time and keep an eye on them to make sure the hens or the chicks get hurt.

Good luck to you and thanks for joining us!

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