Finally Joined - Hi!

Hello! I've been lurking for almost a year. I've learned so much from you guys.
My daughter decided to do the 4H chick chain last year. We started out with 3 Black Jersey Giants, 2 Olive Eggers, a dozen RIR, and 4 "ducks: Assorted". We've come a long way! And learned ever so much.
Our flock has changed a lot over the first year. We've lost a few, we've gained a few, and we incubated and hatched our own set of babies. We went from planning a small coop to building a lovely large one with a duck house and a baby brooder inside of a nice cozy run. During the day they meander about the yard. All of the girls lay their eggs on my porch. They won't hear of laying in the nesting boxes. They use the large planters on the porch. It's been so fun!

Currently We've got:
2 white Leghorn Roosters
1 teenaged RIR×OE Rooster
2 Teenaged RIR×OE ... can't quite tell yet. But I'm afraid they may all three be roos.
4 RIR Hens
1 OE Hen
3 Jersey Giant Hens
1 Male + 3 Female Muscovy
1 Dark Campbell Drake
1 Silver Appleyard Drake
2 Indian Runner × Rouen ladies
1 Rouen × Campbell lady
1 Rouen × Campbell tween Drake.

I hatched the 3 RIR×OEs, 2 Rouen × Campbells, and 2 Rouen × Runners, at Christmas time. Like a lunatic. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I just gave myself a total of 5 Roosters. Oof. Thankfully, only one of the ducks is for sure a boy. It's always a gamble!

I have to say, I really love the Muscovy. They are such fun birds!

Anyway, I look forward to chatting with you all!
Welcome to BYC. Sounds like a lot of fun, but that is a lot of roosters. Hope you have a plan!
Howdy, :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

So happy to have you de-lurked!

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I have great luck with giving away or selling roosters on Craigslist or in my state's poultry groups on Facebook.
Thank you! I am not yet fully ready to give up on two of my babies being girls. But once they grow a bit more, I'm going to have to be finding them new homes if they're boys.
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Your flock sounds lovely, nice variety of breeds you keep!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!
Thank you! I am fascinated by the different breeds. My daughter and I would like to add Brahmas and maybe Wyandottes to our flock this spring. Comparing and contrasting their features is such fun.

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