Finally starting on my coop!

...and I suggested the large roof overhangs for soffit ventilation,
which will also protect your large open wall from rain infiltration.
The open wall will have a two foot overhang.
What do you plan for the other long wall?

A common guideline call for at least 1 square foot of ventilation per chicken, and your front wall already provides more than that. But I agree that vents in other walls wound be a good idea to help the air move, even in winter but especially in summer.

A strip along the entire length of the wall, 3+ inches high, might be a good starting amount. That would be easy to do when you are putting on the plywood or siding or whatever: leave a strip bare rather than trying to cut specific size holes. Hardware cloth fastened securely over the open strip will keep out predators.

An additional idea for summer: you said the back will be a door for cleanout. You might make a door that is covered in hardware cloth to use then, instead of the solid door that will be good in the winter. That would let air move right through from one end to the other. With all the trees around, and the number of leaves they will have in summer, I do not think it would get windy enough to cause problems inside the coop.
The other long wall will have the rollout nesting boxes. The only reason I was considering individual vents on that side is that I’d be able to cover them since I really won’t be able to do a long overhang on that wall. So are you saying have two different doors that I try to swap out? That clean out door won’t be within the run, so I’ll have to think about that some more.
The open wall will have a two foot overhang.

The other long wall will have the rollout nesting boxes. The only reason I was considering individual vents on that side is that I’d be able to cover them since I really won’t be able to do a long overhang on that wall.
That makes sense. I don't know what's best in that case.

So are you saying have two different doors that I try to swap out? That clean out door won’t be within the run, so I’ll have to think about that some more.
Yes, that is what I'm suggesting. Or else double doors that are both permanently mounted, but in the summer you only close the door with hardware cloth and in the winter you close them both. The solid door would be propped open all summer, like if a person kept their house door open and only closed a screen door.

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