First chick born - didn't know!! pic added

That mamma looks like she could kill something .. or someone ...
yah - I still haven't seen either of them and it has been 4 days :-(

I found a small clump of momma's feathers - along with the other eggs were all busted up and in a line towards the treeline :-(

I did receive an email from my neighbor that informed me that there is a young bear running around on my hill - she said that when she outside on the back patio facing my hill she saw it and then it came up the hill towards my house .... gah

Do bears go after ducks and chickens - or is a skunk or coon more so be the culprit? (have not seen or smelt anything)
looks like we will be finishing the coup regardless of rain or shine this weekend ..... no more free ranging except for when I am home :-( unless they learn to stay in the fencing ....

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