My 12 chicks are all between 6-8 wks old and have been staying in a makeshift coop that I built out of an extra large dog cage, but after looking at every single coop I think they make on the internet I finally ordered one and it will be here on Tuesday. I know that everyone says the best way to go is to build one yourself but it’s cold where I live (NY) only to get colder, they only going to get bigger and I want them to be comfortable and safe, so my only option as of now was to Just get a coop. I know it will have to be assembled so hopefully that won’t take too long. I have a heat light in the makeshift cage/coop now because when I put them in some mostly all were still puffballs and didn’t have that many feathers to keep warm. I’m wondering if I should just take the light out of the picture completely once they get into the coop? I also have a rooster who is also a meat bird that I’m trying to raise with my flock, I don’t want to kill him or regime him but I know how they are bred to grow fast and possible heart problems and leg problems (he’s on a diet and getting a lot of exercise) he was sick to me as a white leghorn so I had no idea, but he is big he’s 2x the size of most of the others and he’s alreqdy making the rest of the birds a little bit cramped in the cage. My question is in the coop should he move in with the rest of them or will there be problems if I do that ?What if I find out I have more roosters do they need to be separated from the hens if so when, how and why? My meat bird/rooster is not a bully he’s very sweet but he’s a big bird and I don’t want him hogging the food or knocking over one of the smaller birds, or (so I’ve heard) attacking/pecking/hurting the others. So if he’s well behaved as of right now what should I do, keep him seperated or hopefully it’s possible to keep him in the coop until it gets a little nicer/warmer out, but I have no idea how it all works hens/roosters.