First egg or something else?


May 7, 2024
Scotland, UK
My ducks are active and seem ok, eating fine until this am when they got out of their coop and ran straight to the house (my house). I put a bowl of warm water down and they lay one either side drinking then one wrapped its neck over the other and they lay there like that. One kept raising her bottom and wiggling her tail feathers and I could see her bottom pulsing. I watched them for 20mins and in that time 2 little bits of white, thick liquid leaked out.

I thought maybe she is starting to lay eggs so put a straw filled box down where she was so she could get comfy in that with some food nearby. She got up, ate some food, went in to the box then her and her sister ran off up the garden.

Is this egg binding, a broken egg, about to start laying eggs, an infection or ….? I do have a video of her but don’t know if it’s too big to upload?

If I need to take her to the vets I’m thinking sooner rather than later is best.

Thank you.
she's 5mths old. I haven't been able to upload a video yet... life is crazy just now. However, they are both running around happy, winding necks every now and again and being generally duck like. Will try and get the video uploaded.

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