First egg!! Which chicken laid it?


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2024
So today we found our very first egg! Our pullets are 18 weeks old today so this is very exciting, we weren't expecting anything for a few more weeks at least!

Now.. hindsight is 20/20, but looking back I should have gotten chickens that laid different colored eggs to help my sanity in figuring out WHO is laying! We have 4 barred rocks and 2 buff orpingtons. We had two barred rocks that started "squatting" about a week and a half - two weeks ago, so we're thinking it's one of theirs, but looking online the eggs for those two breeds look similar. Eggsperts, what do you think??!
I agree, no telling. Frankly, unless the person choosing which chickens get to breed uses eggshell color and shade as a criteria breed tendencies don't mean that much as far as shade. I do not go by breed at all.

But while you are doing the @FrostRanger butt check you might try this trick with food coloring. It should convince you which hen laid a certain egg.

Who is laying what egg? - YouTube

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