First hatch-a-long!

If there are any left to name can it be Henry/Henrietta depending on gender?
I hated the waited after the first egg started wiggling, none pipped for a full a 24 hours after. I was going crazy thinking I did something wrong and none would hatch. It was my first incubation and I now have five 10 day old chicks.
#2 + 8 aren't named, #2 showed good sign when candled
You’re on day 7 right? Unless they smell bad, I’d leave the browns in for another few days until you can be totally sure. The blue eggs look good, don’t remove them yet for sure!! Because they are lying on their sides for the incubation, sometimes they will attach on the side and look like that. I would just wait until day 10-12 before making a final decision on anyone, and I always err on the side of caution with leaving them in the incubator even if there is a tiny chance that there is a growing chick. Unless the eggs are starting to go bad, then I get rid of them right away!
I had two that were in larger eggs that took a bit longer to see development and hatched 3 days after the first chick. I'm so glad I didn't give up on them they turned out the be the friendliest so far.

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