first hatch chick having trouble standing?

So now having another prob all from last night are good but today I came home to 3 eggs that had broke through enough for beeks to get out but died....I have 6 more eggs.. the humidity did drop to 50 -60
Would that day o it and what to do about the other eggs will thay still hatch or should I help

that humidity should have been fine. I had 1 do that today on me. Sometimes they get positioned wrong in shell and cant break the rest of the way out. They should zip there way out. I have to help mine sometimes if i see they are in trouble.
Yes but many factors could be involved. They could suffocate. Or they can die from stress as well if they cant get out. Where was the pips? On fat side of egg or skinny side? Since talking to you last I my self had another die before it got hatched all the way.
Me either. .one of the ones I looked at ..her head looked like it was kinked back over her body insted on around her tummyso maybe thats whats went wrong. :(
Oh, chicky, I'm so sorry. I hope things go better with the rest of your eggs. I lost 1 after she hatched and 2 never even pipped, so I know it's frusterating. Keep us updated on the rest.
I am new in this too and of 22 eggs I got 5 chicks today and they are looking pritty good.. Hehe I think.. A few more are pipping stil.. Can't wait too see how many will come out on the end..

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