First? Hawk attack (we’re ok)


7 Years
May 18, 2017
North Carolina
My Coop
My Coop
A hawk just came after my chickens 😱😱😱
They ran for cover but there are feathers in the cover brush. I reacted quicker than the dogs (3 Pomeranian/terrier mix).
Hawk flew off and I put hens back in coop.
I didn’t see which one(s) were involved. Other than blood, what injuries should I look for?
Thankful your flock is okay. I would give them all a good once over if you aren’t sure which ones were involved. Some things to looks for: deep gashes, sometimes hidden in feathers, particularly around the back/under the wings. Shock - eyes closed, huddled/bunched up chicken standing or laying alone, lameness, not eating drinking.
Also, because time is of the essence for shock, here is how you would treat:

Isolate somewhere semi dark and warm and give sugar water and electrolyte mix. You may have to syringe it if they don’t drink themselves. To avoid aspiration start by just dripping a tich onto the side of the beak and they may take it in that way.
I think they’re ok. I’ve found them in the ivy brush many times and they typically run across open areas flapping (making themselves bigger?). So maybe it isn’t their first encounter
I am hopeful they are okay, what a blessing! They are born with very good instincts to avoid predators, unfortunately they are just lacking in the defense department 🫤 I find that ours typically notice things before I do and run for cover really quickly. I think running with their wings out gives them a little more speed!

I always wondered how ours knew right away to be afraid of anything in the air, I was so impressed! But I think they just immediately think that everything wants to eat them…even the trash bags I bring out to clean up the run haha. Rightly so I suppose. Poor things, they really must always be on alert.
As a reflexologist, I would start at the shoulder and with my thumb on one side and two fingers on the other, slowly stroke along that bone edge all the way to the tip. See if she loosens up. If necessary, do it a second time (either wing).

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