First nite done in the coop


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
When I first open the pop door to give them access to the run sometimes they are all outside within 15 minutes. Sometimes it is into the third day before they all go outside. Some members on here get really excited about them not immediately going out. I don't. When they are ready they will go out. Once they go out they tend to stay out all day every day with my set-up.
Thank you! I've never had them stay In coop like this. My ladies usually ran right outside. They followed my rooster. This time I don't have a rooster. I do have a older hen who does try to call them out but they are still afraid. I feel better now knowing it is normal for them to wait some times. My husband said I left them inside too long. Lol. Feel better knowing that's not the case.

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