First Time Bumblefoot Help (photos)


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2024
Please help! My pekin duck looks to have bumblefeet! I will share a photo that was two months ago, as well as a most recent of each foot. I should have check more often but I haven't been able to lift her until today. Please let me know what I can do. I have read Epson salt, antibiotics, and surgery. I don't have a vet near me so I am hoping I can cure it myself. I keep the area clean and safe so not sure how it happened. Please please share some remedies that you used! Thank you!


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First of all start soaking her feet in warm Epsom salt water this will help soften the scab so eventually you can gently peel it off without tearing healthy skin. It may take a few days or longer I test it after a few days by taking my fingernail and trying to get under the scab. While waiting for the scab to soften so you can remove it after soaking put some Epsom salt poultice on it TSC carries it put a non stick pad and wrap with vet wrap this will help also in getting the scab softened so it can be remove easily. Once the scab is off [sometimes the kernel will come out when the scab is removed] or you may have to use sterile tweezers and pick it out. Then you will want to either continue to use the Epsom salt poultice or pack with antibiotic ointment and wrap again check in a couple days to make sure the infection is gone keep wrapped until healed.
First of all start soaking her feet in warm Epsom salt water this will help soften the scab so eventually you can gently peel it off without tearing healthy skin. It may take a few days or longer I test it after a few days by taking my fingernail and trying to get under the scab. While waiting for the scab to soften so you can remove it after soaking put some Epsom salt poultice on it TSC carries it put a non stick pad and wrap with vet wrap this will help also in getting the scab softened so it can be remove easily. Once the scab is off [sometimes the kernel will come out when the scab is removed] or you may have to use sterile tweezers and pick it out. Then you will want to either continue to use the Epsom salt poultice or pack with antibiotic ointment and wrap again check in a couple days to make sure the infection is gone keep wrapped until healed.
Thank you so much! They have all of that in stock at my TSC so I'm going to go get that! Oh I hope the kernel comes out as well with the scab..... will I be able to see the kernel when the scab falls off or does it sometimes require digging.....? I have never done that before
I have had the kernel come out with the scab and other times I just gently use the sterile tweezers and pick it out the pus in poultry is yellowish and thicker than pus in a human so most of the time it is easy to spot. Once you get the scab off post a picture of what you are seeing and we'll help you from there. If you need it.
I have had the kernel come out with the scab and other times I just gently use the sterile tweezers and pick it out the pus in poultry is yellowish and thicker than pus in a human so most of the time it is easy to spot. Once you get the scab off post a picture of what you are seeing and we'll help you from there. If you need it.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your support in this so much!

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