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In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2025
Been researching chickens for a couple years now. Seems I end up here frequently. Will be receiving pullets the first week of April. Got pullets for a few reasons. One of which is the coop and run are not quite ready. Its 50 degrees in Mn so I'm taking advantage of that this week.

I am retired but work part time at Ag Partners so Ill be getting my supplies from them. 10.00 for a 50 lb bag and the numbers for the most part are slightly better than most anything I have researched.

Im looking currently for feedback on my coop. Its not done but getting closer. I assume I will post that question on a different section of the forum.

The girls are 6 Bielefelders and 4 Speckled Sussex. No rooster in mind at this time, but not completely against the idea. Time will tell.

Look forward to possibly contributing but probably not chicken related. Thx Jay

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