First time ever eating rabbit....

for some reason i thought it would be greesy:p haha
im sooo excited!!! i loved my rabbit growing up so to raise them i think will be fun!!
there are a couple of really good videos on youtube that shows how it's done (much easier than trying to explain it)

here's one.. (caution graphic and shows the rabbit being killed)

That wasn't bad at all, I was worried I'd hear that horrible infant-like scream I remember from our cat catching baby wild rabbits when I was a kid!

This makes me much more curious about raising rabbits for meat.

Sure a woman could do that too, but I think with bigger animals it would be easier to have a tractor or something you could tie the back legs to to lift it up. (Depending on how big it is).
I remember as a child, one time, eating this smoked meat... tender and soooo good. i was told it was rabbit. It was the best meat I've ever tasted. haven't had rabbit since though.

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