First Time Hatcher Hatch-A-Long

Yay! So much action in such a small amount of time! ❤️ Can’t wait to see them when they’re fluffed up!
The 7th hatchling (I'm not sure which egg # since I can't see it), is taking her own sweet time. She's been half-zipped for hours and I'd be worried that she'd died except that I can see the little beak opening and she peeps when I make noise in that room.

No sign of anything from the remaining egg.
Had an issue that got resolved on the March thread starting here:

Summary, "Slowpoke" got dried out and stuck -- possibly because I'd had to take the other chicks out while she was zipping. I used tweezers to peel away the leather-hard membrane and to chip just a bit of the shell at each end of the zip to reach soft membrane.

She got excited about this and kicked herself out in less than 30 seconds after I put her egg down.

She's spending the night in the incubator to dry out properly and will go into the brooder with the others come morning.
Slowpoke has issues. :( She's got a splayed leg and, possibly, curled toes.

I got her into a hobble before I put her into the brooder with the others this morning and will consider the chick shoes when I get home from work if just getting her leg underneath her doesn't put everything right.

The 8th egg shows no sign of pipping. I left it in the incubator and will deal with it tomorrow since I'm off.
Slowpoke has issues. :( She's got a splayed leg and, possibly, curled toes.

I got her into a hobble before I put her into the brooder with the others this morning and will consider the chick shoes when I get home from work if just getting her leg underneath her doesn't put everything right.

The 8th egg shows no sign of pipping. I left it in the incubator and will deal with it tomorrow since I'm off.
Donald was like that and I was worried it would have neuro/physical issues. It was the egg that I thought was quitting halfway through. By day 2 after hatch Donald was standing stronger and feet extending straighter. So far I think it just needed some time. Here’s hoping your Slowpoke makes a turn around 🙏🏼
Donald was like that and I was worried it would have neuro/physical issues. It was the egg that I thought was quitting halfway through. By day 2 after hatch Donald was standing stronger and feet extending straighter. So far I think it just needed some time. Here’s hoping your Slowpoke makes a turn around 🙏🏼

I have decided that since it's wrong to give a defective animal as an offering to God I will, assuming the therapy works, throw her in as a freebie when I sell them.
I took the last egg out, no activity on day 24 and clearly dead. I carried it into the woods for an eggtopsy.

Poor little thing made it to an internal pip and no farther. I'm too inexperienced to tell, but I *think* that it pipped in the wrong place, on the side rather than into the airspace.

I'm eager to have experienced people tell me what lessons I should learn from this hatch.

To sum it up:

14 eggs set.

3 clear.

3 quit early, probably in the first week.

6 hatched naturally.

1 assisted hatch with splayed leg and curled foot.

1 dead in shell after internal pip.

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