First time hatching chicks

Wait sorry..Whenever someone says hardware cloth I always picture that garden fabric that you might put under gravel to prevent weeds lol... Yes, the hardware cloth might be problematic. It could injure the chick's feet and/or give them possible bumblefoot. Not only that; it might be uncomfortable for the chicks. The only things that could work as bedding is hay because it won't tend to fall out of the holes like pine shavings or other beddings might.
What if I put cardboard down and the puppy pee pads over it? Thinking when they are little that could work. As they got bigger cardboard to keep it in and then a bunch of shavings?

Or should I just get someone handy to replace it with wood?

The pee pad thing does seem like it would be easy to clean if they wouldn’t destroy it lol
What if I put cardboard down and the puppy pee pads over it? Thinking when they are little that could work. As they got bigger cardboard to keep it in and then a bunch of shavings?

Or should I just get someone handy to replace it with wood?

The pee pad thing does seem like it would be easy to clean if they wouldn’t destroy it lol
That is a good idea about adding the cardboard and puppy pee pads, I think that could work nicely!
I heard Marans and came running 🙂
I vote hard floor in brooder, and brooder plate. I actively use both but prefer the plate just for safety. Secure the lamp really good. (Like 2 separate ways) I've never experienced a bulb exploding but heard of it and it's a mess/danger to the chicks.
I'm in Michigan and I've moved chicks to the coop in cold weather at 3 days old, separated in a brooder built under the poop boards in cold weather with a brooder plate to start integrating (see but no touch) Usually by 1 1/2 - 2 weeks old I'm integrating them softly but separating them still at night so I can supervise.

This works for me. I've got pics of my brooders under poop boards if you've got the space and need ideas.
Best of luck with your hatch.
Forgot to add... I wholeheartedly agree with @nuthatched on the feed advise. I switched from layer a few years ago to an All-Flock feed with oyster shell and grit on the side when I got my roosters. Last year I was feeding both All-Flock to both flocks and chick starter to the babies.
Until I learned just to feed them all whatever your feeding the youngest. This year I've switched to a 20% Chick starter/grower feed crumble for everyone and my flocks love it.
Thank you all so much! So much good advice here! I’ve added Bielefelders to my order 🤭 just 6 eggs… I want to test this out on a smaller batch first before my big order arrives. They will arrive in a few weeks.

What do I need to have ready before I incubate? My incubator has a pretty straight forward guide to follow.



So I couldn’t help it candled early at the start of day 4. These are Bielefelder eggs so they are brown speckled eggs. Too early to tell anything or can anyone tell if there’s progress in some? One of them looks lighter throughout so I’m wondering if that one isn’t fertilized but the others are hopefully progressing or too early to tell?
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So I couldn’t help it candled early at the start of day 4. These are Bielefelder eggs so they are brown speckled eggs. Too early to tell anything or can anyone tell if there’s progress in some? One of them looks lighter throughout so I’m wondering if that one isn’t fertilized but the others are hopefully progressing or too early to tell?
It is really hard to tell but the bottom photo looks like it is developing for sure, to me. Give it another day or two and check again! If you see any little spider veining then you will know for sure!!
Wait sorry..Whenever someone says hardware cloth I always picture that garden fabric that you might put under gravel to prevent weeds lol... Yes, the hardware cloth might be problematic. It could injure the chick's feet and/or give them possible bumblefoot. Not only that; it might be uncomfortable for the chicks. The only things that could work as bedding is hay because it won't tend to fall out of the holes like pine shavings or other beddings might.
Reading this comment again, when I move them to this brooder in the garage, could I put that garden fabric on top of the hardware cloth as a barrier, and then put the pine shavings on top of that? Or do you think the chicks would peck at that? I bet that garden fabric would make clean up a breeze!

Or cardboard underneath shavings?
Day 13! Saw movement in all of them today, except for the two that are obviously not viable. I took those two out, what do I do with them? Throw them in the garbage?

I read a bit conflicting information on lockdown... Is it on day 18 or 19 that I take the egg turners out? And at this point what do I do to the temperature? I know I raise humidity, recommendations on what humidity I raise it to seem to vary. 60-65%? 70%? Higher?

It is often quite dry where I live. I've been keeping it around 45% so far.


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Congrats on your eggs developing! So exciting. I throw my non developers away. I usually put them in a ziplock bag first in case they break open in the trash, but probably not necessary.

I live in a dry place as well and from the pics it looks like you have the chickcozy incubator? I have that one and with mine I usually have to add extra wet cotton balls or wet sponge pieces during lockdown because mine won’t stay humid enough. I usually keep mine at 65-70% at lockdown. And I keep the temp the same. I think some people lower the temp like .5 degree when the first egg pips. But not needed. You should put them in lockdown on day 18, at least that’s when I do with mine. Good luck, super excited for your hatch!

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