First time hatching chicks

They can take around 24 hours to hatch, especially if you can see their beak and they are making a chewing motion, they are still absorbing their yolk before finishing hatching.
It was quite steady. It’s my first time hatching so hard to say if maybe I did something wrong. The temp would go down to 99.1 overnight but other than that no fluctuation. I kept humidity around 45% until lockdown. Have had it very steady during lockdown, never went below 55% and was around 60-65 most of the time. Up to 70 briefly as I’d add water.

I did find a thread on here after ordering that others hatched chicks with genetic deformities from this breeder. Before I ordered everything sounded so positive in all the things I read about this breeder, then I found these concerning reviews on this website… ugh…
This is the first chick now… whatever thing was on his behind is now looking green…


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Now I'm nervous. I'm on day 10 and trying to wait a few more days to candle the eggs. I hope mine hatch out well.

Con grats on the hatching.
4/6 of mine did hatch and these were shipped eggs! I discarded the other two on day 14, they hadn’t developed. So all eggs that made it to lockdown hatched!

I just was not aware of the possibility of stuff staying on, sounds like it’s relatively normal though, other than the one that had it wrap around its foot!! But she’s up and running now. I did take her out and we clipped it as it wouldn’t come loose enough to gently move. It was so thin. I am glad we did now, there’s no bleeding, and I think she might be my only hen out of the bunch lol! So she’s important!

These are autosexing chicks so that’s how I can tell. Still waiting for 3 and 4 to fluff out but they are looking a bit like the boy so far…
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