First time hatching chicks

Someone else probably has a better idea, but I would probably integrate them when the new babies are about a week old - the younger the older set of chicks is, the easier it should be. If you are definitely not keeping any of the boys, then I might just put the girl in with the babies, but I would put the babies right next to the older chicks so they can all see each other for that first week. And it’s possible that your girl will be stressed though if you take away the boys all at once, so if you keep them next to each other for a few days that would help. So I would probably just transfer the girl into the baby area but keep the boys next to them for a little longer, and slowly move the boys further away until the girl is settled in with the babies?

I have done a lot of chick integration with silkies but for the most part they are really easygoing, but I don’t know how the other breeds are. You’ll do great though!
Someone else probably has a better idea, but I would probably integrate them when the new babies are about a week old - the younger the older set of chicks is, the easier it should be. If you are definitely not keeping any of the boys, then I might just put the girl in with the babies, but I would put the babies right next to the older chicks so they can all see each other for that first week. And it’s possible that your girl will be stressed though if you take away the boys all at once, so if you keep them next to each other for a few days that would help. So I would probably just transfer the girl into the baby area but keep the boys next to them for a little longer, and slowly move the boys further away until the girl is settled in with the babies?

I have done a lot of chick integration with silkies but for the most part they are really easygoing, but I don’t know how the other breeds are. You’ll do great though!
Ok, I can keep them all together too, I don’t have to take the boys away right away. If the boys don’t peck at them of course. I chose this breed because they are supposed to be really docile and good in mixed breed flocks, so 🤞. I actually really wish I could keep one of the boys, they are supposed to be the best roosters.
Eggs arrived today and the breeder sent extra eggs! So now I have 16 more on top of my preorder still to come lol! Eggs all looked great, they weren’t cool at all. They’ll be going in tomorrow morning! Wish me luck with round 2.

And the bielefelder chicks are good, growing like crazy. Wing feathers coming in, not much dust yet. So we’ll see how long they last inside.

The cat does not like them one bit lol. She’s being locked away in the bedroom with me overnight and gets in trouble when she goes near during the day. (They have hardware cloth overtop but obviously why risk it so she’s never loose unless we are in the room with her).
These are my eggs that hatched last time, all 4 hatched as you know. But I’m reading about shipped eggs and risk of detached air cells. I didn’t know anything about them last hatch, how do these air cells look to you guys? Are any partially detached?


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These are my eggs that hatched last time, all 4 hatched as you know. But I’m reading about shipped eggs and risk of detached air cells. I didn’t know anything about them last hatch, how do these air cells look to you guys? Are any partially detached?
They look good. Don't stress too much. There really is only so much you can do with shipped eggs.
Here's my question. Absent humidity here stays around 60 to 70% for the last few months. I put a hygrometer in the incubator and it stayed at 70%. I didn't add more water to the incubator because I was concerned with the humidity staying too high.

Friday is lock down day. The last candling a week ago showed the eggs were doing well. Should I be concerned with drowned chicks?
Here's my question. Absent humidity here stays around 60 to 70% for the last few months. I put a hygrometer in the incubator and it stayed at 70%. I didn't add more water to the incubator because I was concerned with the humidity staying too high.

Friday is lock down day. The last candling a week ago showed the eggs were doing well. Should I be concerned with drowned chicks?
The other ladies likely know more than I do, but I think 70% is fine! My incubator recommended around 60-65%, it often went up to 70-72 when I added water, I had to get it up higher though because I have the opposite issue, it’s SO dry where I am!

Very exciting that your batch is not far off now! My next batch of eggs just arrived today so they go in tomorrow.
I'm just a nervous wreck. We candled our eggs just now. All seem to have a well developed air sack. We were able to see movement in one of the lighter eggs.
I loved seeing mine move! Did you number your eggs? I’d talk to them, like “come on egg number 2!” And somewhat often they’d wiggle when I talked to them! (During lockdown when not in the turners). It was very cool!

I was nervous too so I can totally relate!

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