First Time Incubating-Day 20

Day 22 and one is wiggling and rocking this morning. I plan on letting it hatch out and fluff, then candle the others. I'm worried they'll go bad if they're not viable, but also worried I'll toss a perfectly good chick that just needed some more time. I'll probably take pictures and post them for insight!
I would give them at least another 24 hours after the first hatches, before disturbing them to candle them. If one is bad you will likely smell something off.
Day 22 and one is wiggling and rocking this morning. I plan on letting it hatch out and fluff, then candle the others. I'm worried they'll go bad if they're not viable, but also worried I'll toss a perfectly good chick that just needed some more time. I'll probably take pictures and post them for insight!
I wouldn't worry about them going bad that fast. The ones that have exploding eggs in their incubators are one in a million and it's a horror story. I once set a few eggs I took out of the incubator in an egg carton and set it on the shelf below, completely forgetting about it. It was several weeks later I was by the incubators, needed an egg carton, and grabbed it. Needless to say, I gingerly walked outside with it, but weirdly none stunk.

I've had a duck egg go bad during incubation and that stunk up our whole house. Not sure what the difference is, but regardless, I'd too suggest just leaving everything alone for another day.
I only just now thought of this but maybe it's a good idea to keep some hand warmers on hand for just in case? If the power goes out you can put the hand warmers in there. Or something similar to keep them warm. 10 hours seems long enough to cause some problems.
That's a brilliant idea and one I definitely didn't think of. If I had been paying attention to the weather I would have been more prepared, but after we were promised snow almost every single day all winter and didn't get any...I stopped checking the weather daily 🤣
I wouldn't worry about them going bad that fast. The ones that have exploding eggs in their incubators are one in a million and it's a horror story. I once set a few eggs I took out of the incubator in an egg carton and set it on the shelf below, completely forgetting about it. It was several weeks later I was by the incubators, needed an egg carton, and grabbed it. Needless to say, I gingerly walked outside with it, but weirdly none stunk.

I've had a duck egg go bad during incubation and that stunk up our whole house. Not sure what the difference is, but regardless, I'd too suggest just leaving everything alone for another day.
I am terrified of that happening 😳 but I know I'll just have to deal with it if it does.
It's still rocking and chirping. I'm definitely watching it but waiting for it to do it's thing. Cutest thing ever though, if I play baby chick sounds it gets so much more active! Not overdoing though, just when I'm checking to make sure it's still alive

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