First time incubating silkie eggs


Jan 29, 2021
Hi guys just bought my own incubator to be delivered tomorrow alot of great reviews of great hatch rate from it. I am attempting to hatch my own silkie eggs. I am a first timer and so any advice would be great. I have the eggs still in there nesting box and there is around 8 eggs thanks
Hi guys just bought my own incubator to be delivered tomorrow alot of great reviews of great hatch rate from it. I am attempting to hatch my own silkie eggs. I am a first timer and so any advice would be great. I have the eggs still in there nesting box and there is around 8 eggs thanks

I have hatched several hundred silkies. I do them like most chicken eggs are incubated, with the exception of a 5 day lockdown instead of 3.

I have four incubators and only one is correct. I would urge you to get a hygrometer/thermometer and double-check what it says. I buy mostly Govee brand on Amazon. Some are Bluetooth or WiFi so you can get the app on your phone to check them anywhere.

Fire up your incubator about 24 hours before you put eggs in it. That way it’s solidly set and you can determine if there are any issues. If it has auto turn just set that to several times a day.

Since yours are in a nest, you can put them directly into the incubator once it’s ready.

Temp: 99.5F
Humidity: 40-45% until lockdown

At lockdown, shut the turner off and up the humidity to 65-70%.

Candling. I only candle them at 6-7 days, and again at lockdown. I do not open the incubator after lockdown until it appears every egg has hatched, or I can’t see pipping on any that haven’t hatched.

I do a longer lockdown as I’ve had a couple of silkies start hatching on day 18. The last week of rotating eggs is least important as they’re now big enough to move around themselves and won’t get stuck.

I wish you a great hatch and warn you that once you start, it becomes highly addictive. 😊

If you have any questions, just ask!

I have hatched several hundred silkies. I do them like most chicken eggs are incubated, with the exception of a 5 day lockdown instead of 3.

I have four incubators and only one is correct. I would urge you to get a hygrometer/thermometer and double-check what it says. I buy mostly Govee brand on Amazon. Some are Bluetooth or WiFi so you can get the app on your phone to check them anywhere.

Fire up your incubator about 24 hours before you put eggs in it. That way it’s solidly set and you can determine if there are any issues. If it has auto turn just set that to several times a day.

Since yours are in a nest, you can put them directly into the incubator once it’s ready.

Temp: 99.5F
Humidity: 40-45% until lockdown

At lockdown, shut the turner off and up the humidity to 65-70%.

Candling. I only candle them at 6-7 days, and again at lockdown. I do not open the incubator after lockdown until it appears every egg has hatched, or I can’t see pipping on any that haven’t hatched.

I do a longer lockdown as I’ve had a couple of silkies start hatching on day 18. The last week of rotating eggs is least important as they’re now big enough to move around themselves and won’t get stuck.

I wish you a great hatch and warn you that once you start, it become highly addictive. 😊

If you have any questions, just ask!
Awh debbie thankyou so much it has really put my mind to ease that u have given me so much helpful advice i cant thank you enough🥰
Awh debbie thankyou so much it has really put my mind to ease that u have given me so much helpful advice i cant thank you enough🥰
You are very welcome! I am glad @GodLovesU tagged me so I wouldn’t miss your post!

You’re going to do great! I hope you’ll show us pictures when they hatch!

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