First timer with a broody silkie


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
Newbie here...My silkie hen(Lilly) is approx 1yr, I have had her about 6wks. She has been laying an egg almost everyday. Beautiful healthy ...yummy eggs!! I have a young(unexpected) rooster , he is only 41/2months. I was gone last weekend( Friday-Sat) and didnt collect eggs til Sunday afternoon, there were 2, one on the outside of Lilly and one under her. Me, the newbie, Not knowing whats going on I left her alone to see if she was laying another or what. I took the one that was on the outside. I cracked it open, it was a normal egg. I decided to let her keep the other...Its been a week now and she is still on the ONE egg. I went out there today and the egg was on the outside of her...I put it under her. She is exhibiting all the signs of broody behavior that I have read on this forum

NOW to my questions: How can I know if she just broody or truely hatching a fertilized egg? or is the same thing??? LOL

Also...1. Can you tell a fertilized egg on the first day after its layed.? Like I mentioned I collect them everyday. The one was like all the others.
2. Will a chicken sit on just one fertilized egg? I thought she would keep laying have a cluch. I assume yes only because I have read about putting fake eggs under a hens before....
3.Is all I can do is wait the 21 or so days?
Thx for any help :)
Hens will sit on them no matter what of they are fertilized or not. Does she sit on said egg pretty much 24/7? At ten days if you candle it you should see some growth if it fertilized. And some breeds just go broody even with out eggs so theres that. Has she stopped laying thrs another sign. Has she pulled out her breast feathers?
Yes she sits as far as I know 24/7...i put food and water up with her and when I went to check last wednesday under her for how many eggs.. she stood up slowly, walked in a trance, then jumped out of hutch and ate ,scractch and dirt bath, acted normal for about 10 min, then went back up. No plucking of he breast feathers. Its been 7-8days.
Some breeds are more prone to going broody then others like for my flock i have a heart attack if my leghorns went broody as its rare for them and i cant wait for my delawares to lay because at some point when they go broody (they are know for) i sticking eggs under them.
silkies are known for broodiness, if she is taking short breaks its most likely she is just broody, not fertilized egg? and by letting her lay on this one egg, it will help her get through it? or should I take the egg and push her off the nest. She gets off if is push her. I can also close up the hutch during the day, my other hen is not laying yet. will that help her get out of it if it lasts more that 21days?? I want to make sure that egg isnt going to hatch.
That honestly depends on her, some hens will remain on an egg long after 21 days and it can cause health issues. If the egg is not fertilized you need to get her in a cage with a wire bottom so it cools off her butt so it breaks the broodiness. And brooding is what you call it when they nesting on eggs whether they are fertile or not. Since you have a rooster there now way to tell. Did the other egg she laid that you took have a white circle on the yolk thats where the sperm would enter the egg and fertilize it. I know my roo does fertilize most eggs but i still get a few unfertile eggs. Does the egg smell bad or anything like that?
The egg I collected 6 days ago was not fertilized. The 7-8 day old egg she is laying on doesnt smell. I will put a candle under it at about ten days, if I still cant tell, cuz, I have no idea what it should look I will let her stay on it til 21 or so days. Then go from there i guess. Thank you so much for taking the time to help with all your advice :) Very much appreciated!

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