Flock restart hatch-along

Wow you have a beautiful collection and some fun mixes in there! Can I claim number 10, maybe we can call it Clover? 🍀

I’m loving following all of these hatch a longs. 6 out of 7 of my eggs hatched two days ago (my first hatch!) from my late flock, and I’m already wanting to find more fertile eggs and start another batch! My husband is telling me NO 🤣 looking forward to watching how these turn out! :pop
Clover it is!
Oh my goodness, #1 is so dark!!!! Can I claim that egg if it’s available? It will be a huge surprise whether or not it hatches because I'm sure it’s quite impossible to candle! For name, how about Walnut (dark wood/tree), Morel (brown mushroom), or Cacao (chocolate beans) or if you have a better name for that egg I am open to suggestions! It is beautiful!
I love the name Walnut!
Egg names
1: Walnut @Slothinc
3: Iris @Cheekychook12
10: Clover @tviss711

Day 8 embryo!
I only candled Walnut and #2 to try to confirm fertility, and I didn't see any veins, but I did see movement! All remaining 11 are fertile!
I candled #6 so I could show my friends tonight. Dancing around!
That’s great footage! What flashlight do you use??

I have a Govee thermometer/hygrometer in with the eggs. These slight fluctuations fascinate me. I haven’t opened the incubator since yesterday. The door to the room was closed until 7:30am, then open for the rest of the day.
I have also found that higher humidity makes the temperature drop a little bit, and when there is less humidity, the temperature is a little higher.

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