Flock restart hatch-along

I got pictures of the last 4 chicks!

Olive/Olivia @Kiki
Black Copper Maran

Maple @Mill Chick
White with a couple spots

These guys are either Iris @Cheekychook12 or Basil @tviss711
White, more spots

Barred kiddo
Walnut is one of the 3 that hatched this morning, so it is still in the incubator. All of the black chicks in the brooder have a head spot, which Marans don’t have.
Oh that makes sense if Walnut was still in the incubator! I have heard of cuckoo marans so I just figured that they must be cuckoo because of the head spot. But yeah that makes more sense now, if Walnut wasn’t in that group of chicks!
Oh that makes sense if Walnut was still in the incubator! I have heard of cuckoo marans so I just figured that they must be cuckoo because of the head spot. But yeah that makes more sense now, if Walnut wasn’t in that group of chicks!
I got who was who mixed up, but it’s worked out now. Walnut was with the first group.
I got pictures of the 7 that have moved to the brooder!
I was going to wait until all 11 were out there, but I'm still waiting on Maple to hatch to take the rest out.
The brooder is in my dad's shop, which is heated to 55, so comfortable for me (and his paints and varnishes) but cold for them, so my heater hand became the perfect tool to keep them from running towards my phone.

The ones I know who they are:
Currant @HonkABC
Blue, bearded, single comb, toes mostly white, white on face, tip of beak whitish
View attachment 4054733

Pineapple @Chicken_Obsesser
Splash, single comb
View attachment 4054738

Lotus @Cheekychook12
Blue, bearded, pea comb, toes not as white
View attachment 4054740

Violet @Chicken_Obsesser
Black, white dot on head, single comb, white wing tips, white on front, some white on toes.
View attachment 4054760

Now for the other 3:
There is one that looks just like Lotus but with a smaller head spot
View attachment 4054762

A black chick with some copper in it's head fluff
View attachment 4054764

And this partridge/red chick
View attachment 4054765
Awwwww Violet looks just like my Violet as a chick! :love :hit

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