Cool. Welcome! You'll learn a lot here.

Kindly Leaf! There are plenty of people here with many years of combined experience available to help whenever you ask. Good plan, the doing the research first part! You'll be well prepared.

welcome! I am new here to, and this site has been so helpful
Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone.
I never Even knew there were chocolate covered eggs. I don't have enough room for any more chickens. Six is my max. Then there are the fuzzy legged chickens...sigh...yep, six is my max.

yeah, I am "maxed" at 8, but I think i talked my husband into building me a breeder run, and doing 2 specialty breedings, and then the "barnyard mix" LOL! But one of my specialties will be the Marans with the chocolate eggs, and the other will probably be the Porcelain D'uccle(still debating that one :) I already have a Turken and 2 silkies, so my "barnyard mix' would be those plus some showgirls....cause they are reall big egg layers
Hi everybody! I'm in Florida. We just moved from Gainesville to Tampa Bay and I am going to be getting some baby chicks this summer or fall. I joined BYC to do some research before they get here. Glad to be here. Looking forward to meeting y'all.
Welcome to the area KindlyLeaf. You did a very smart thing doing research before the chickens. Get the best chickens you can right from the start. This group is great at recommending breeders.
Welcome to the area KindlyLeaf. You did a very smart thing doing research before the chickens. Get the best chickens you can right from the start. This group is great at recommending breeders.

yes, unlike me, who went to the nearest farm and "surprised" my husband with them
It was a very stressful 2 weeks trying to build a run, but now, on to the chicken tractor!
Sorry to interrupt but...... I finally got a recent picture of my head roo Red 1 and he even decided to pose pretty for me

Don't ask where the half white tail feather came from. He lost his rooster feathers when he was still with the bachelors and this is how they grew back.
Welcome to the area KindlyLeaf. You did a very smart thing doing research before the chickens. Get the best chickens you can right from the start. This group is great at recommending breeders.

Thank you very much, I am definitely seeing very knowledgeable posters here. I love forums. :)

yes, unlike me, who went to the nearest farm and "surprised" my husband with them
It was a very stressful 2 weeks trying to build a run, but now, on to the chicken tractor!

Lol, I am a planner. It is kind of annoying actually. Haha.

Sorry to interrupt but...... I finally got a recent picture of my head roo Red 1 and he even decided to pose pretty for me

Don't ask where the half white tail feather came from. He lost his rooster feathers when he was still with the bachelors and this is how they grew back.

Oh my goodness, so beautiful!

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