Follow your heart brand vegan, dairy free cheese.


8 Years
Feb 27, 2016
Hello all 😁 I know that chickens do not handle dairy very well so I wanted to know if anyone could tell me if follow your heart brand vegan dairy free cheese would be safe to give as an occasional treat. Thank you 🐣
Chickens can have dairy, just not a lot, and that's not an issue of its just a treat.
And since chickens don't understand cheese vs non cheese, there's no point giving a non cheese, might as well give them anything.
Buy yes, they can but I wouldn't
In moderation, you can feed your chickens almost anything, occasionally. At worst, they completely ignore it. That said, is there a benefit to feeding your birds Follow Your Heart Brand Dairy Free "cheese"?


Apart from providing you some entertainment value, that a pretty hard "No". There are much better sources of fat and carbs (that is, energy) for your birds, at much lower price tag. That is also a lot of salt for a bird. You would be better off pouring a tablespoon of olive oil on your bird's feed.
We have an almost 13 year old Japanese buff whom loves cheese. We would give her shredded cheese about once every 2 weeks but began to notice it might be causing her to have issues pooping. Since she is old we didn't want to take her favorite treat away and thought it could be the dairy. This vegan cheese has no dairy so I thought it could be a good replacement. We don't want to cause problems so maybe it's not a good idea either. Just trying to keep our golden girl happy.
That vegan "cheese" has just saturated fats and chemical flavors. No vitamins, no proteins.
If you think lactose can be an issue, try soy based vegan cheese like tofu. Soy is healthy for chickens.

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