Following Me Out Her Coop?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
my chicken wont stop following she's been outside at night for the last few nights she loves it but last night she was happy but missing me.i went to make sure she was ok and when i opened the door she came running for me i hugged her put her in her bed and tried to leave but she kept on following me i kept putting her back and tapping her on her beak to stop.

is it normal for her to follow me???

I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks again guyz

She's lonely, and maybe a little scared to be out at night. Perhaps you could give her a little stuffed animal to sleep with and play the radio very softly to make her feel like other chickens are nearby. That might make her feel less alone, and then she won't follow you as much.

I think a 'friend' for her would be a good idea. keep in mind chickens are 'flock' birds. It is not natural for them to be all alone. She probably considers you as her flock and that is why she tries to stay with you.
Yeah, my first thought was she needs another friend ASAP. It's not gonna cost hardly any more to feed another chicken and I think it would help alot as you cant be with her all the time.
ok ill try that thanks what about the heat of australia?
its really hot over here even in autumn and im scared she might get overheated will she be ok??
Ensure that she has good ventilation and a good southern window. Other than that I don't know how to keep her cool. I understand your plight though. Although we have 15 chicks, I have a Rhode Island White pullet sound asleep on my shoulder as I type this message. Seems like they get attached and vice versa. Best of luck to you!

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