Foot Infection Advice Needed

Ashley Benningfield

In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2023
I need advice on my chicken with an infection in the webbing of her foot. She was successfully treated for bumblefoot a couple months ago and I noticed the webbing between the toes on that same foot was swelling up and had developed an outer scab almost a month ago. I started the bumblefoot protocol with the warm Epsom salt baths and wrapping it up with Prid. A week later the scabbed came out leaving a hole and I was able to get the area cleaned out with no sign of anything left in it but clean, healthy-looking flesh. I felt around for any signs of an additional hidden kernel of infection further up but felt nothing. I’ve also been using betadine, antibiotic ointment and Veterycin on her along with the Prid & Epsom soaks. She had a follow up a few days later to remove another tiny bit of pus that came back and again I was able to get the area cleaned out with no sign of anything left in it but clean, healthy-looking flesh. She seemed to be healing very well after this with no kernel or pus regrowing, but the swelling has not gone away. It’s still a bit pink and warm, soft, and squishy to the touch. There’s nothing to see on the outside and the skin where the scab was removed from still looks normal again. I can’t see or feel anything that I need to remove even though the webbing still seems to be infected. I have no idea what to try since the normal protocol isn’t working. There’s no vet around me that will see chickens so I’m on my own. I really need advice on what I can do for her, thanks!

I've attached pics of when I first found the problem, after her 1st & 2nd removals, and what it looks like as of a few days ago. The next time I'll get to treat her is Monday, so I'll try to get updated pics to post.


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Could be fluid built up. Or a reacurrence of the infection. I would try and poke it with a sterile needle to see if fluid comes out, then disinfect it again. And I would consider giving her oral antibiotics.
Someone else might be able to give you a more thorough and/or specific answer. Good luck
Could be fluid built up. Or a reacurrence of the infection. I would try and poke it with a sterile needle to see if fluid comes out, then disinfect it again. And I would consider giving her oral antibiotics.
Someone else might be able to give you a more thorough and/or specific answer. Good luck
The only antibiotic I have on hand is Tylan 50. I guess I could start her on that and see if she responds.
I need advice on my chicken with an infection in the webbing of her foot. She was successfully treated for bumblefoot a couple months ago and I noticed the webbing between the toes on that same foot was swelling up and had developed an outer scab almost a month ago. I started the bumblefoot protocol with the warm Epsom salt baths and wrapping it up with Prid. A week later the scabbed came out leaving a hole and I was able to get the area cleaned out with no sign of anything left in it but clean, healthy-looking flesh. I felt around for any signs of an additional hidden kernel of infection further up but felt nothing. I’ve also been using betadine, antibiotic ointment and Veterycin on her along with the Prid & Epsom soaks. She had a follow up a few days later to remove another tiny bit of pus that came back and again I was able to get the area cleaned out with no sign of anything left in it but clean, healthy-looking flesh. She seemed to be healing very well after this with no kernel or pus regrowing, but the swelling has not gone away. It’s still a bit pink and warm, soft, and squishy to the touch. There’s nothing to see on the outside and the skin where the scab was removed from still looks normal again. I can’t see or feel anything that I need to remove even though the webbing still seems to be infected. I have no idea what to try since the normal protocol isn’t working. There’s no vet around me that will see chickens so I’m on my own. I really need advice on what I can do for her, thanks!

I've attached pics of when I first found the problem, after her 1st & 2nd removals, and what it looks like as of a few days ago. The next time I'll get to treat her is Monday, so I'll try to get updated pics to post.
I started her on Tylan 50 Friday. I think she's looking a bit better today. The area isn't as quite as pink or swollen as it was last time I worked on her. A small scab reappeared and came right off after soaking her. I cleaned the spot up till there was just normal looking tissue and disinfected and wrapped her back up. I think it's a chronic infection I've been fighting and will just have to continue to fight it as best I can.

Pics are after soaking but before the scab came off.


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How is she doing?
Well, she seemed to be getting better over the last week, but I think she took a step back Friday because it was a tiny bit more swollen and pink then it had been Wednesday. I picked up some Silvex to use instead of Neosporin and I'm hoping it will help more.
Just wanted to give an update for anyone else that comes across this post needing help. Within one or two treatments of adding the Silvex gel into the mix, I could see quite a difference. It was actually stopping the infection from regrowing after I removed everything I could, and it was the only thing I changed in my routine. She has been unbandaged and walking around happily on completely healthy feet for over a month now. It helped me to completely remove the foot infection on this chicken and another bird I had been working with for months with little progress. It has worked so well I now have a tube use myself with the same great results.

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