bumble foot

  1. L

    Bumble foot in ducks or warts!

    we have 3 runners all pretty young but all with weird wart looking bumps on both feet! All of the spots are in the same area. We are thinking bumble foot but it seems weird that they all have it in the same exact spot! They live in a large stock tank with pine shavings while their coop is...
  2. J

    Is this BUMBLEFOOT?

    Is this Bumble foot? There is no scab like the photos of bumble foot online- maybe it is an early case? Any advice welcomed! Thank you. The hen is fine other than limping.
  3. M


    Hi there, I'm definitely needing some help from anyone and everyone right now. I'm very concerned over my 5 year old Jumbo Pekin Cracker, as she came out of the coop this morning with her 3 year old sister and has been acting very weird. She's had a little limp for a bit now but today it seems...
  4. brittanycuster94

    What is this.

    so about a little over two weeks ago, I noticed my rooster limping after two days of him limping on and off I decided to check his feet and his legs and didn’t notice anything. so I originally thought he may have just jumped down and landed wrong but I’ve still been noticing him limping on and...
  5. S

    Stiff toe?

    I feel as if this roosters causing me more medical scares then anything. See this rooster he's a big guy. I honestly couldn't tell you what type he is. But he's big maybe like 8 or 9 pounds of just bulk. He's always limped I've noticed since keeping him out. Even as a chick he's never been...
  6. Y

    Is this bumble breast? With photos

    Hi All, I have an Orpington hen who has been acting a bit off the last few days. We are unsure of her age, as we inherited her when we purchased our house. She is at least 6 years old. She has been withdrawn and not eating as she usually would. I picked her up a few weeks ago and she was her...
  7. P

    Is this bumble healing?

    Warning - I've kept the thumbnails small because the wounds are quite gross. One of our girls (2 yr old Orpington blue), had a bumble we thought we took out pretty well. But two weeks later the black plug came back larger, so we soaked for a few days and took it out again and it looked like...
  8. chloeg001

    Bumble foot and more?…

    Hi all please be gentle with judgement as this has been a very stressful and anxious situation. This has been going on since summer 2023 and I have been trying my absolute hardest to deal with this. My silkie rooster has had swollen feet for quite awhile now. At the time, I thought it would go...
  9. B

    Bumble foot cured with homeopathy

    I just wanted to share my joy in curing my hen with bumble foot using homeopathy. I wish I had thought to photo document it. We just had our second experience with bumble foot. The first hen we had with it, sadly had to be euthanized. I was super worried when I saw it in my young layer...
  10. I

    I know that this will be a lot, but I really need help with this.

    I know that this will be a lot, but I really need help with this. I have a pet broiler chicken (1 year and 10 months old) experiencing severe respiratory problems, likely due to a fungal infection, possibly candidiasis. This infection has affected multiple areas, including his comb (his comb...
  11. Amberb123

    Swollen foot cannot walk- hit by car/bumblefoot/mites?

    Hi all one of my hens went missing for 3 months and by a miracle we found her on the side of the road this afternoon! She is unable to walk and we are unsure if she was hit by a car or if it is an infection. She is eating, drinking and purring. I’ve attached images below also! I look forward...
  12. Pepperthechicken

    Potential bumble foot. Please help

    We have a Black star hen who has started limping on her left foot. We don't know what it is but one hypothesis is that she has bumble foot. The picture above is the problem foot. The picture below is of her right foot Does anyone know what she could have?
  13. H

    To ointment or not to ointment?

    I recently bought a gorgeous young celadon quail who came with what looked like a bad case of bumblefoot. I tended the wound a couple nights ago by peeling off the scab, soaking and rinsing with epsom salt water, and finishing with over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. I'm keeping her in the...
  14. M

    Severe Bumblefoot help

    This is my first experience with Bumblefoot.. after research ( and vet thats on vaca and scheduling is weeks out) I knew I had to remove the scab and get the infection out. Foot and toes all swollen. I thought I got it but there was no big kernel like everyone said. So next day we soaked and my...
  15. J

    Does bumblefoot cause a pause in egg laying? And some bumblefoot advice too?

    My 10 month old Buff Orpington caused me concern that she is not laying eggs, it's been 5 DAYS--yikes. I considered that she might be decreasing eggs due to the shorter days. She was not showing the signature signs of being eggbound, no funny walk, no squatting, and no decreased appetite. In...
  16. Ronnie_

    Bumble foot treatments

    Hi all! Today was duck foot wellness check, and it seems all my ladies (3) have on at least 1 foot that has a swollen spot on the toe or foot with a small dark spot in the center (spot is very small about a pin head or smaller). Feet don’t feel hot and not red at all. I’m assuming this is...
  17. C

    Early stages of bumble foot? No scab

    Hey all, I’m a new chicken owner and one of my ladies started getting a noticeable lump on top of her foot a few weeks ago. It doesn’t seem to bother her at all. She is still running and digging around. The swelling is also only on the top of her foot and I haven’t seen any sort of scab yet...
  18. F

    Bumblefoot with no pus??

    I regrettably don’t have any photos but here’s what I’m dealing with. Two LF hens with what looks like a classic case of bumblefoot. I didn’t notice any limping, but I did a quick exam and took action as soon as I saw the bumblefoot. No swelling, but pretty good size black callous/scab on both...
  19. Launchpad

    Duck bumblefoot surgery help - large bumble

    Blanche is a 9 month old silver Appleyard (a big one; the only duck i have larger is my big male Pekin) While dealing with another ducks possible foot issue, i had neglected checking the feet of the four youngest four maybe 3 or 4 weekd as they've never had problem and i wasnt worried. Enter...
  20. R

    Can I treat this case of Bumblefoot without Surgery?

    One of my Anconas has lumps on the balls of both her feet. Here is a picture of the worst one. Today, I put her in an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes, and sprayed blu-kote on her feet. I don't have any duck shoes for her. I plan to do the same every morning and afternoon until she heals. Is...
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