About 2 weeks ago I noticed my hen Pearly Pearl limping so I goggled and it suggested Bumblefoot but at the time her foot didn’t look like any of the images I seen! I noticed a small indention on the bottom of her foot so I soaked it in epsom salt and used Vetericyn and drawing salve the next...
this morning when i opened the coop door, our boss hens ran right down the ramp as usual, however i noticed one of them didn’t come out like she normally does (Ellie) . i opened the back door of the coop, picked her up off the roost and at the door to go down the ramp when i noticed she was...
My polish hen is about three years old and has bumble foot. She weighs around 5 pounds maybe even less and we've been treating her with oral amoxicillin, epsom salt soak, betadine soak, and antibiotic creams. She does not have a black scab anymore and we've popped some of the infection out. It's...
Hello! I just noticed one on my Leghorns Opal has bumble foot? Attached are photos. It's just a hard ball. What should I do?
Thank you in advance for any advise you can give! ~Diana
One of my hens has some redness on her foot. She has strange feet anyways...think a birth defect or something?..outside toes turn oddly and she has some kind of growths(had those for a long time-no issues) Not sure if she could have bumblefoot? I don't have any experience with it. Took some...
My 4 year old brown leghorn developed bumblefoot in both her feet. I pulled the plug out of the one foot with no issues. The other foot was more swollen and the “scab” was recessed in her foot pad. I scraped it out as best as I could. Bottom of the foot cleared up very nicely but the swollen...
About two months ago I treated my Bielefelder hen for bumble foot. I pulled off the scab and the underside was a bit yellowish, but I didn't see a core or pus or anything. Now, a few days ago, I treated her again because the bumble foot didn't go away. Same thing, the scab was yellowish and a...
I'm a new chicken owner, and I have a girl who will not walk on one foot. This just started today. She hops on her other foot and limps around. She also did not go to roost tonight, she just layed down in the corner of the coop.
From what I've been researching- it seems like bumble foot...
Hi Friends,
i have zero experience with bumble-foot! Two of my White Layers, Bazzilla and Blanca have large sores on their feet which look like bumble-foot to me. On Saturday, Bazillas feet looked like this, left foot left, right foot right:
I was sure, this is bumblefoot, so i started her...
Hi there.
My beloved Wyandotte has been limping for a week now. When she stands she keeps her favored leg up. But hobbles around everywhere just fine.I have been soaking her feet in warm water and epsom salt. There is no lesions, cuts or scrapes. She acts normal otherwise laying, roosting...
Hi all. See my original post here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/2x-failed-bumblefoot-surgery-what-to-do-next.1325094/
It is 1.5 months after my chicken's twice failed bumblefoot surgery. I have been doing twice weekly epsom salt foot soaks and have not attempted surgery since late...
We have been keeping quail for just short of a year. They live on the ground with a board to prevent rats and “easy chick” bedding. Some time ago, early July we noticed one of the smallest quail (we only have 6) had a swollen foot. By mid-July we were worried enough, because she limps a lot, to...
First off I’m NOT a vet or a doctor but I’m posting this to hopefully help someone with a stubborn case of Bumblefoot / Bumbletoe.
About 7 weeks ago we noticed that one of our Ameracauna/Blue Andalusion crosses was limping badly. When we caught her we noticed that the 3rd toe on her left foot...
6 month old, legbar mix rooster. I check my chickens feet every couple weeks for bumble and I keep their coop very clean. I just checked this guys feet a week ago and didn’t notice anything.
Today saw a slight limp and checked his feet. The skin/scales on the end of his little toe are rock...
Hello. My dear Annie is limping and the problem seems to be her left foot/leg. I noticed her sitting a lot yesterday while the flock was free-ranging but didn’t think much of it until I saw her limping today. She rests frequently.
Both of her feet feel warm to the touch, but I compared with...
Hi everyone - I've recently adopted a 2.5 year old California White Leghorn chicken that had a small, 5mm diameter bumblefoot scab on her right foot. For two weeks, I did daily epsom salt soaks and bandaged with gauze and Neosporin prior to surgery to see if the scab would go away on its own...
Hi, I'm new to the site and to the world of ducks and fowl in general. This is y first post on here and it stems from the need for help. 8 days ago we welcomed our first 3 ducks into their new home. Just a few days in and our drake (loyd mayfeather) was favoring one of his feet, so we wrangled...
We recently found a chicken with three bumps on its feet and found out it was bumble foot. We had to leave for 2 weeks and left the chicken in the care of our grandmother. When we got back the bumble foot had gotten even worse. Is there anything we can do or is it better to just put her down...
I just lost one of my babies to sour crop so I really want to make sure I take care of this one! She is limping, not putting weight on her left foot. It is a bit swollen though there is no clear wound. I'm assuming this is bumble foot? I soaked her foot for 15 mns in epsom salts and then...
One of my hens feet looked deformed. I took a closer look and there were some kind of growths between her toes. I lifted on one of them and it came off! Now there is a big open hole. I cleaned it good and put antibiotic cream in it. I also put the blue spray on it. What is it? And what can I do...