For all of you who don't have kids...

I sent this to my cousin whom I happen to be donating a kidney to as soon as we dot the I's and cross the t's. I asked him if this is what I'm going feel like after surgery.
That's OK! It takes a weird kind of sense of humor for this stuff. My husband and I love Napoleon Dynamite, and when we watched Nacho Libre, I almost fell off the couch laughing!
Please don't make me watch that again!!
My friends showed me this a few months ago. We were going to do a skit at our church about it.

My first friend was going to be the pink unicorn, and my other friend was going to be "Charlie." I got stuck with the purple unicorn so I had to memorize everything ALL of them said to help the others out if they got stuck. We still haven't done it yet, but we're probably going to do it on a Talent Night that's coming up.

There's another thin that we were going to do, it's called the "Kingdom Hearts Chronicles", it's a three-part thing and even stupider than Candy Mountain.
(It'll help you understand KHC better if you've played Kingdom Hearts and/or Final Fantasy 7 or 8.)

Just go to and put in "Kingdom Hearts Chronicles."
Enjoy the utter randomness and stupidity.

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