Forget local ordinances

I have read the bill, all 117 pages. While the reasons to create a good food supply oversight branch separate from the drug oversight are good, you are wrong in saying it does not regulate home gardens and home food production (for sales at farmer's markets, etc). There are absolutely no exclusions for them, therefore they do fall under the purview of this piece of legislation - until they're specifically defined and omitted. This has created such a flap I'm pretty sure it will be withdrawn and rewritten, but you can't be too careful, they need to be watched, and we need to be aware.
This is about the third time Monsanto (gee, they want ALL agribusiness) has tried to get this through. Nothing to do with political parties, just folks who owe Monsanto. It bears watching every time, though.
I agree with the issue about the President is waaaaaaaay off base, dont believe everything you read and hear because the media and city officials dont always get their facts straight.

I can't believe the president may even be aware of this part of this agricultural change; he is changing things for the big time farmers not getting so much money back every year, as well he should. I know farmers who make a fortune every year, and still got back a million dollars for different programs. That stinks. They all drive brand new cars and have brand new homes, while the rest of us try to make it on limited income and NO new anything. Not saying I would, but still . .. a MILLION dollars for not doing a dang thing. Anyway, sorry, I get on my soap box about this . . .I heard on the radio theother day, that this bill is not attacking all organic farms, its concerned with a potato blight that has NO cure, other than a pesticide. . .but if that is all this is about, then why is Monsanto, ADM and one of the other big chemical companies backing the bill? I know I am not very educated about this, and did email my senators here in Illinois and told them they had a lot bigger fish to fry than some poor organic farmer trying to make a healthier way of life for the general public. . .this will be an interesting piece of legislature to watch and monitor for sure.
This is a very good observation; thank you. The way the agricultural commentator on the radio talked, its just certain aspects of organic farming they are concerned about, and the potato blight is a big one, as it spreads and will kill all the crops if not contained. I try very hard not to say things I am not sure about, because of situations just like this one. Just because a newspaper, radio, tv, or political person says it does not make it so!

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