Found egg stash


In the Brooder
Jan 11, 2017
Logandale, NV
So I have a few new hens that are roughly 5 months old. They started laying a week or two back, or so I thought, and I have stumbled upon a stash of 19 eggs with a young broody gen upon them. My question is would you keep the eggs? The only reason I'm concerned is I live in Southern Nevada and it's been 110 degrees plus daily with a couple of the days pushing 120. Also, any ideas on getting her to lay in her coop?
Do you have a rooster?

Lock all the hens up for a week in the coop.
so the eggs obviously would not be fertile, so she won't actually hatch the eggs.
It's best to break her from being broody.
Take all the eggs away.
Too hot to lock them up. It would be a death sentence. Get rid of the eggs. Do you have a run attached to your coop? This is one of the most important reasons to have a run, even if you allow your flock to free range every day. It allows you to train the flock to the nest box.
so the eggs obviously would not be fertile, so she won't actually hatch the eggs.
It's best to break her from being broody.
Take all the eggs away.
I took the eggs and am putting up a temp fence around there coop as to keep them in and to start laying in. What do you think of the eggs, worth cracking a few open and seeing if they are any good to eat or should I just toss em due to the excessive heat?
Too hot to lock them up. It would be a death sentence. Get rid of the eggs. Do you have a run attached to your coop? This is one of the most important reasons to have a run, even if you allow your flock to free range every day. It allows you to train the flock to the nest box.
I free range them so no run, I'm going to put up a temp run for a week or two and see how it goes. Your right on the heat it's just to hot in there. I am getting eggs in the coop though, I'm pretty sure it's just one gen that's laying outside of the coop.

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