Found hen on the floor, can’t stand, keeps twisting/moving neck back/around, help :(


May 15, 2024
Came home to my hen (meatball) not being able to stand and stretching her legs out and twisting her neck around like as if she was convulsing, she was fine earlier in the day when i had left to work but my mom found her limp and placed her in a box until i was home.

not sure what to do!!
i’ve examined her body and not able to find anything, her neck feels fairly normal? no breaks or anything that are obvious enough for me to tell, i thought maybe an animal bite but no apparent ones to my eyes, scorpion was a thought but only ones i’ve ever seen are striped bark. no signs of pecking to her head
i’ve had a rooster peck at a teenage rooster and ended up with neurological problems and could no longer walk or turn his neck around and i had to put him down due to quality of life but i have no clue what happened to her or what i can do for her
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Seizure? Acute head or spinal trauma? Neurological infection? Toxin?

Keep her in a dark, confined quiet spot. Watch other birds for any issues (suggestive of contagious or toxic cause). If it is just her more likely injury or seizure. A short, passing seizure is scary but not necessarily concerning, chronic or long ones are not good. Trauma may get better with time.
Seizure? Acute head or spinal trauma? Neurological infection? Toxin?
could be any of these, she’s drinking water, her crop feels like she’s had a good day of eating but can’t stand, neck angled towards her back and has more flexion in her left foot and tail is angled , i’m afraid it might be neurological or some sort of nerve damage
Is it possible she was attacked by a dog? Or stepped on by a goat or horse?
Other thought, Marek's. That can cause sudden paralysis.
Other than that you could try B vitamins, they help with nervous system.
Is it possible she was attacked by a dog? Or stepped on by a goat or horse?
Other thought, Marek's. That can cause sudden paralysis.
Other than that you could try B vitamins, they help with nervous system.
no big farm animals around, dog is possible but they would’ve killed her and my other chickens if so, but there’s a possibility
otherwise what b vitamins should i try ?
no big farm animals around, dog is possible but they would’ve killed her and my other chickens if so, but there’s a possibility
otherwise what b vitamins should i try ?
Sometimes my dogs get bored and 'play' with a chicken. If they're not killed, I find them limp on the floor, traumatized, but they recover after a few days of isolation and tlc.
The best b complex is the Durvet veterinary brand. If it's not available locally I'd see if your local pharmacy has a liquid b complex for humans, so you can get it faster.
Sometimes my dogs get bored and 'play' with a chicken.
for sure could’ve been a dog, they are free range but every dog around here has just killed them, none of the other chickens are hurt, no feathers around, only this one which is unusual but it 100% could’ve been a dog who knows, i just hope she recovers:(
The best b complex is the Durvet veterinary brand.
will look into it tomorrow morning!
What's your birds diet?
You can try vitamin therapy, I'd it isn't a toxin or a severe neurologist event, it might help.
400i.u vitamin e capsule and a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks.
What's your birds diet?
You can try vitamin therapy.
they eat chicken scratch, corn, rice, veggies, fruit, bugs and occasionally leftovers.

i can’t say they have the perfect diet but they eat all day and seem content but i will definitely get some vitamins in her, what is recommended besides b complex?

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