Found her yesterday in town by the mall. Cold and was obviously lost and alone. Breed?

I didnt plan on putting her with mine anytime soon, if at all. She seems to be healthy tho. Do you see signs of an illness? Or standard quarantine concerns?
There are plenty of diseases that take 2-3 weeks to incubate and show themselves after a stress event.
All are incurable and fairly deadly.
A month of quarantine is a good start.
@Ricky rick ricky

@nuthatched and @CoopBoots are right. Protect your own flock first. She looks like she’s in pretty good health, but quarantine her. In the meantime, give her a health check. You may need to treat for lice/mites, worms, injuries, etc. Be careful when tending to both her and your flock, so you don’t transfer any potential illness. Since she’ll be alone during her quarantine, provide her with a place where she won’t have to work hard to stay warm. You don’t know why/how long she was there alone, so provide her with some vitamins and oyster shell on the side. She’s a fortunate little chicken to have been found by you. 🙂 It’s very likely you won’t find her owner. Congratulations on your new addition. Let us know how she’s doing.
Thank you for taking the poor thing in! Best of luck in rehoming/adopting her! (Whichever it comes to lol)

Not too sure where this user is located, but they posted on an old thread yesterday looking for a lost black chicken- I'll tag them just in case:

Thank you for taking the poor thing in! Best of luck in rehoming/adopting her! (Whichever it comes to lol)

Not too sure where this user is located, but they posted on an old thread yesterday looking for a lost black chicken- I'll tag them just in case:


Thank you for taking the poor thing in! Best of luck in rehoming/adopting her! (Whichever it comes to lol)

Not too sure where this user is located, but they posted on an old thread yesterday looking for a lost black chicken- I'll tag them just in case:
Thank you for taking the poor thing in! Best of luck in rehoming/adopting her! (Whichever it comes to lol)

Not too sure where this user is located, but they posted on an old thread yesterday looking for a lost black chicken- I'll tag them just in case:

Do you please have a picture of the chicke
Thank you for taking the poor thing in! Best of luck in rehoming/adopting her! (Whichever it comes to lol)

Not too sure where this user is located, but they posted on an old thread yesterday looking for a lost black chicken- I'll tag them just in case:



I'm sorry but is this supposed that I sent earlier with the chicken and the cage the black small young chicken from near Brighton that's my baby and I gave her away thinking I was giving her a better home but she wants to come home if she ran away I really want her back very bad her name's tweet I have pictures also please send me a picture cuz I'm not good at this I don't even know how to message on this thing I'm not going on phones

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