Found Injured/Sick Chicken. Need help please


Jun 19, 2024
We have lots of chicken living freely in our city (Miami,Fl) and today I found this young chicken in the bushes. I felt bad and I took him/her in to try to help as much as I can. Does anyone know whats going on with him/her? She drinking water and ate a some bird seed that i had. I have never taken care of chickens before. I would appreciate any input. Thank you.


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I honestly have no idea what happened to this poor bird. But it looks like a terrible infection.
I'd hope maybe you could take it to a vet. I know they are expensive. I have a lot of birds, but I don';t let them out to get "outside" infections.

I'd try using a warm compress over the eyes, make sure it is hydrated with ELECTROLYTES and see if it can take in some protein foods. Meal worms, and carbohydrates.
I have no idea what is wrong with your little friend. But keep it warm, clean, and hydrated. Then veterinary if you can afford to.

You are kind to try to help this poor lad...or gal.

It may be a birth defect. Gosh, I'd like to know what you found out.
I'd google chicken eye anomalies, no vision, swelling, and infections and viruses to start the search into what's wrong.

Good luck !!!
Oh, quarantine the critter from all your other pets...just in case.

Poor thing. Best of luck!!!
Does she open her eyes at all? Are her eyes intact? I do see bubbles in the eye of the last 2 pictures, which can sometimes be an indication of a respiratory illness. She may have been attacked and driven from her flock due to illness. It almost looks like her head was degloved (skin torn off) or pretty badly injured. I would get a look at both eyes, flush them out with some sterile saline, or eye wash, and treat with plain neosporin, or better some terramycin eye ointment which some feed stores have, it does not require a prescription. If you intend to keep her and try to treat her, you need to get some chicken feed, bird seed will not provide her the nutrients she needs. Until you can get some you can feed her cooked or scrambled egg chopped up, a bit of canned tuna. Any feed store should have the feed, you can get a small bag if needed, until you decide what you want to do. If she's blind in one eye, or both, then she will not survive in the wild, she will starve, or be taken by a predator. If vet care is an option, and you are willing to do that, they can give her a good exam and tell you more what is going on with her.
Poor Thing! Thanks for trying to save it. it’s good that it is eating and drinking. Need to start chicken food and maybe take it to a vet. It could be fowl pox as you said there are a larger number loose in the area. Ever see any other chickens with similar symptoms? It might benefit from a round of antibiotics. Can it see? Do you think it could have been picked on by other chickens? They can pluck each others feathers out, but Ive never seen it take place on the head quite like that. I hope just removing it from its environment will give it a chance!!

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