FREE chicken coop plan (nice one too) on the Purina Mills Website

I modified these coop plans for mine... I wanted an eight foot long sealed enclosure to keep the snow and sun off of my birds, and I wanted to insulate the box to keep them alive in the winter. I used hard foam insulation with exterior plywood on the outside, and found lumber to protect it from pecking on the inside. The coop is ringed in galvanized wire.

All in all, the plans were a big help. They're not perfect, but they give a really easy to follow design to base yours from. I moved a lot of stuff around and changed some measurements, but it's essentially the same product.

The instructions for the nest box are pretty lousy, and I had to figure that out myself... and my roof had to be cut larger, so I needed two sheets of plywood there, not one.

Here's the end product, complete with chickens on the inside and canines on the outside:

hi there!!! im new here and just read your post and if the offer still stand i would be really greatfull for your pdf plans...
thanks in advance ;-)
I have tried following several links to the purina website in this thread, and I am taken to a poultry feed slash page. Are the plans still online anywhere? Or do I need to contact Mark 9199? Thanks.
I have tried following several links to the purina website in this thread, and I am taken to a poultry feed slash page. Are the plans still online anywhere? Or do I need to contact Mark 9199? Thanks.
If you search for "purina coop" with google and click the "images" tab, you will find the plans disbursed throughout the photos of peoples' coops. You will have to zoom in to see or read the plans. Read thru this thread because there are a couple dimensions in the plans that are incorrect.
I tried the links and t took me right to the website but I did not find any chicken coop plans
... maybe I was looking at the wrong things,
ill keep trying!!!

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