
Feb 3, 2016
FREE Rooster to Good Home. He's a Polish Crested Roo. He's 9 months old, loves the Ladies, and is quite the Gentlemen to them too! We call him Popcorn. He can be a bit of a challenge

. I currently have two roos and only four hens, so it's getting a bit stressed in our hen house. We're in Orange County, CA. and would love to find this ROCKSTAR a flock of gals of his own. Can anyone help?
I wish we could have Roosters in Orange :(

He is a handsome Fellow. I will ask around and see if anyone i know whats him. if you know anyone interested in an easter egger Hen let me know :)
Looks like we're going to try keeping him. Hen saddles all around. Thank you all for the offers!
She is free, i am just looking for a good home for her so one that will appreciate her:)

She was not laying eggs for a couple months while she molted but she just gave us a green egg today so she is back to laying.

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