Friendly rooster breeds

I'm a little iffy about him mounting the ISA brown
Silkie, or Polish - my Polish Roo is awesome!

Mr P

And an action shot 😁

Polish are not very big, but I trim back those head tassels from time to time so he can see


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Nice looking boy :love
He is a sweetie, very human shy, and not at all aggressive. It’s hilarious when he makes nests for the ladies and they totally ignore him 😆

He tidbits, and this past summer he learned all about chicks, at first he would steer clear of them but after a while he started to figure out they were part of his flock.

Someone pointed out, it’s not so much the breed but the individual for temperament. I really lucked out with Mr P.
I don’t see many males that can rival my boys impressive wattles, but yours has mine beat 😂🐔
Gosh he is awesome! How does he stay warm? How big is he? He is gorgeous ❤️

Edit - wattles - yea he has lovely wattles, initially only had one hen with wattles then when Mr P arrived here I was all eggcited. I now have a few of his pullets with some cute wattles.
Gosh he is awesome! How does he stay warm? How big is he? He is gorgeous ❤️

Edit - wattles - yea he has lovely wattles, initially only had one hen with wattles then when Mr P arrived here I was all eggcited. I now have a few of his pullets with some cute wattles.
He hatched in march and he was sooo tiny, last I weighed him, he was 12lbs.. I imagine he’s a bit heavier now, he’s also very tall. I’m concerned about frost bite in our cold winters in regards to his comb and wattle, but they have plenty of shelter options and it’s a big flock (around 115 total chickens).. we may try Vaseline. I’ve read they do well in the cold, so I’m hoping that’s true for my pair!

Do you have cold winters? Any tricks for massive wattles?
I have a buff orp, splash wyandotte, barnevelder, and 2 barnyard mixes. All 5 are together and are good boys. My favorite is the buff. You need to give them about 2 years.months 8 through 18 are tough. They are super mate driven and have no manners. Get as a chick and raise within a mature flock.

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