~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

( ???????????????? No, sorry.)

Shadow looked at her. " Come back, Heart."

( NO!!!)
Black yowled in pain and clawed her chest.

Moon sighed.
Fang jumped out at Zela and clawed at her chest. Ice grabbed her back.

Rain grabbed Steel.

Willow growled tried to shove Black to the ground.

(I don't know what's happening, so I'm just gonne do this...)

Faolan was in his den, nearly asleep, when he heard all the commotion from outside. He flicked his ears sleepily, yawning wildly and getting to his paws. He looked around the den site, eyes large with horror at the sight that met them

Falcon had spotted him. Even though he was still young and half the size of Faolan, he didn't care. He lunged for Faolan's leg.

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