Frizzle Silkie and Satin Roos


Oct 30, 2023
Hello! I have 2- 11 week old cockerels. It is almost time to separate them into different coops/pens. One is a white splash frizzle silkie (he has grey running through his white along his back) and the other is grey splash satin. I want to sort out the girls and make 2 fun pens. What color silkies or satins do you think would compliment these 2? Looking for everyone's experience. Currently I have flock of blue and black pullets and one buff pullet. Would you add white pullets? Please let me know your experience. Attached are my 2 boys ❤️ Thanks!
They sure are pretty!

If they're all getting along, you probably could pen them up now, but they won't be doing any breeding for a couple of months yet, and even then, they won't be good at it until they're nearly a year old. The roosters need a lot of practice to get it right.

If you put one splash rooster with blue hens, you'll get 50% blue and 50% splash.

Splash with black hens = 100% splash.

Which splash you use is up to you. I'm not sure color of them matters provided they are a splash.

Your buff hen needs a buff rooster to make more buffs. Bred to another color is a surprise, but should be pretty.

Also, just making sure you knew not to breed your frizzle rooster to a frizzle hen if you have any of those.

Good luck!
They sure are pretty!

If they're all getting along, you probably could pen them up now, but they won't be doing any breeding for a couple of months yet, and even then, they won't be good at it until they're nearly a year old. The roosters need a lot of practice to get it right.

If you put one splash rooster with blue hens, you'll get 50% blue and 50% splash.

Splash with black hens = 100% splash.

Which splash you use is up to you. I'm not sure color of them matters provided they are a splash.

Your buff hen needs a buff rooster to make more buffs. Bred to another color is a surprise, but should be pretty.

Also, just making sure you knew not to breed your frizzle rooster to a frizzle hen if you have any of those.

Good luck!
Thank you soooo much! Yes I have 2 coops and runs to split up the frizzles. The frizzle pullet will be with the satin cockerel since those will be my only 2 roos for awhile. I'm really excited for next year when I can hatch my own chicks! I ordered some fertilized silkie eggs from a breeder to slip under a couple of my broody girls so hopefully between the coop fans and hopeful hatches, I can break them of it. I'm starting to love the variety in silkies. At first it was overwhelming trying to figure it out all the colors but I'm hoping to hatch some unique beautiful babies in the future. Thank you for all your advice!

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