Frost White Legbar Project

Hello! I am coming in to ask a couple questions. Last spring I purchased 4 white legbars from TSC. At the time I had no idea they were rare or what they were except yay to more blue eggs!!
I did a quick search to see if you can sex them. I did see the strip and picked the best I could. I actually did well and picked all girls. Although I was hoping for one male so I could breed.
A couple months later, I noticed my cream legbars were producing white chicks. Only 1-2 per hatch of a couple dozen. I did some research and was told one of my hens and my roo had the gene.
Now I have a rooster from them with my 4 girls from TSC. I’m going to breed them this year but was wondering if they will breed true white or if I’ll have bleed through or possibly regular cream legbar chicks from them.
Has anyone tried or have an idea? I’ll know if a couple months but just wanted to ask.
They should be white if you have true good quality white birds.

Are you asking if your crested cream boy will produce whites with your white girls?
They should be white if you have true good quality white birds.

Are you asking if your crested cream boy will produce whites with your white girls?
No. Unfortunately he passed in Sept.
His son is the one who’s all white and came from two crested cream legbars. I’ll be breeding him with the frost girls from TSC.
Here’s a pic of him and his late father.


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