Frostbite rooster now sick

Wanted to give a quick update on my rooster! He is doing excellent! I honestly think he wasn’t eating and drinking because he was in so much pain. His waddles were swollen for days and we tried to give with water with a syringe and snacks but they finally started shrinking and he has been a brand new man since! The girls are picking at him a little still so I have kept him away unless they are free ranging. Overall back to healthy tho!
That's good news! Thanks for the update. When my BJG got frostbite on his wattles, we had to feed him separately out of a pie pan. Our feeders are the kind where they have to stick their heads into 4" PVC pipes in 5-gallon buckets, and he couldn't do that without bumping his very sore comb and wattles on them.
Wanted to give a quick update on my rooster! He is doing excellent! I honestly think he wasn’t eating and drinking because he was in so much pain. His waddles were swollen for days and we tried to give with water with a syringe and snacks but they finally started shrinking and he has been a brand new man since! The girls are picking at him a little still so I have kept him away unless they are free ranging. Overall back to healthy tho!
Glad to hear he's doing better!
Thank you for the update.

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