Frostbitten toes pics-- update, just stumps!

just make sure it doesn't lead into gangrene... Frost bite sometimes does this so watch those lesions very closely. Dead/rotting tissue on the feet can easily become infected.
I am really worried about infection. She sneezes all the time, and she's still really weak. She's not a tame bird, so her lying on her back while I take a pic of her feet really bothers me. She's on day four of her Batril regimen, and her appetite is her only improvement. She and Nelly can regularly be found raiding the cat food! I'm hoping the Epsom helps clean the dead flesh, and I have unlimited access to clean gauze and tape (I'm an EMT and I live next door to the ambulance!). She has an old towel instead of shavings in her pen.
Aww this breaks my heart. I just looked up frostbite and a way the use to help humans save limps is bye giving them drugs for anti-clot. Is asprin anti-clot? maybe that would help
I changed Stella's bandages today. Her toes have begun their disengagement! 1 1/2 toes have separated on her right foot, and there is a crease on her left foot, where I believe the perforation will begin. The skin under the separated toes is healed. She is back on Sephalexan (horse pills for Seramas!) and she will remain inside with a diaper indefinately. I won't chance her bandages every day because I don't want to disturb the wounds. I will, though, repost with pictures when I do, because these changes are really interesting! If anyone else is experiencing something similar, please post here, too. I understand there is a 50% mortality on this type of injury, but I'd love to network to try to improve this number. Stella is healthy so far. I'd be glad to post a step-by-step of the bandaging process if anyone needs help.
First pic is right foot; second pic is left foot.

Ohh, poor girl!!
That's terrible but the changes are kinda interesting.. never seen anything like that before! Ohh, I hope shes ok!! Good luck and dont forget to update!!
I might let her play outside today, supervised. It's so sad watching her trying to dust-bath on a pillow!
That happened to our big RIR rooster, but it happened to half of all his toes. So now he has really short, stubby toes that have no toenails.
He can still walk just fine now, except it's a strange walk because he sometimes limps a little and it looks like he's taking huge steps when he walks. But overall it caused no major problems.

I'm so sorry about your hen. She's so pretty! But it does look like she's going to lose most of them, if not all of them, I'm sorry to say.
But the new updated pictures do look a bit better than the first pictures you posted.

I hope she keeps most of her toes and they heal up soon! But even if she does lose most/all of them, she would probably be able to get around OK...Someone I know has a hen who has just two stubs for feet that they walk around on. At first she wasn't used to it, but then she learned how to live without her toes, even if it meant sometimes balancing on her butt once and a while rather than standing up all the time. But she still eats and drinks and acts like a normal chicken, overall.

Good luck!
They're gone! Last time I changed her bandages, the right foot, which was always worse that the left, was a bit bloody. So I made sure that I slapped a lot of goo in between her toes and her foot. I changed them again today, and her right three toes stayed inside the bandage. She has three little bloody stumps.

The antibiotics are giving her the runs, so her bum is pretty dirty. I have to go to work right now, but she's getting a bath tomorrow. With baggies taped over her feet to avoid contamination. With the weather getting better, I have been bringing her outside to enjoy the activity and fresh air. One of those Aldi's grocery boxes with a towel in it works great. She can't get around well enough to interact with others, so I make sure nobody bothers her as she watches. Come to think of it, I could turn one of those boxes into a rickshaw and put either a chicken or a cat to some use! HHhhhhmmmmm.........

One of our roosters got frostbite or somthing on his comb, the very tips of his comb turned white and black and all the points fell of.. It eventually became smooth where the points should be, but it was nothing like this. I hope she gets better.

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