Frozen treats

I froze a bowl of water, feed, and soldier fly larvae as a cool summer treat. Joked with my kids about the "chicken popsicles." No human dared to come near them. LOL. (The chickens are enjoying them now, though.)
Another potential recipe for using specifically their feed is to add some water to a cup of feed and let it get soggy. Some chickens prefer this wet feed and this technically also makes it easier to digest and they are able to absorb more of the nutrients.

But to your question of freezing their feed, I expect no issues to come from this. Might even be a nice way to cool them off slightly in the hot summer days.
I use well water (68-69F right now) to make wet mash for my birds as a way to assist summer heat management. I also don't encourage them to be active during the heat of the day. and keep plenty of cool water around for them.

I don't foresee any problems from freezing the feed either, though it will have limited benefit.
kefir grains. I've tried the dried ones off amazon, but they don't work as well as fresh. In fact, they never did do the job. Is there anyone that would like to share some with me or I can buy them off you?
kefir grains. I've tried the dried ones off amazon, but they don't work as well as fresh. In fact, they never did do the job. Is there anyone that would like to share some with me or I can buy them off you?
The ones I got off Amazon were not dried they were fresh and have done well for just over 5 years.
I am about to get some more as I had a mold issue in the kitchen and I think they are now contaminated so I want to start over.
These are the ones I got back in 2017 and plan to get again next week.

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